Saturday, April 26, 2008

Howlin bawler

Men can cry.

Michael Jordan has cried.

George W Bush has cried.

Even Hilary Clinton has cried.

In this day and age men crying isn’t held as wimpy as it once was.

People now even see men crying as way more acceptable than women crying.

The world has changed.

But two indian men, one feminine enough to slap another man, another feminine enough to cry about it, are testing the worlds new found acceptance of male bawling.

Sreesanth cried because a man slapped him.

Is there any coming back from that.

Was only days ago I talked about how cool he was via blog and podcast.

The whole angry man fast bowler thing was back, he was abusing people and being a giant @ss clown, just how I like it.

Now he is crying after Bhaji, of all people, slapped him.

This is how I would have expected this story to go.

Harbhajan Singh is in critical condition in Mumbain Indian hospital today, after an incident with his Indian team mate and IPL sparring partner Sreesanth. Bhaji allegedly slapped Sreesanth, before Sreesanth slammed his head into a wall an unknown amount of times leaving Bhaji severely injured. No charges have been laid, but Sreesanth is helping police with their enquries.

I would not have expected this.

Harbhajan slaps Sreesanth, who then cries in the corner naked and wet, waiting for his mother to bring over his favourite blanky.

Sreesanth is apparently a big fan of NZ folk music.

So this is in his honour.

I'm not crying
It's just been raining
on my face
And if you think you see some tear tracks down my cheeks
Please. Pleasee, don't tell my mates
I'm not crying
No, I'm not crying
And if I am crying
It's not because of you
It's because I'm thinking about a friend of mine who you don't know who is dying
That's right, dying
These aren't tears of sadness because you're leaving me
I've just been cutting onions
I'm making a lasagna
For one
Oh, I'm not crying
There's just a little bit of dust in my eye
That's from the path that you made when you said your goodbye
I'm not weeping because you won't be here to hold my hand
For your information there's an inflammation in my tear gland
I'm not upset because you left me this way
My eyes are just a little sweaty today
They've been looking around
They're like searching for you
They've been looking for you
Even though I told them not to
These aren't tears of sadness
They're tears of joy
I'm just laughing
Ha ha ha-ha ha
I'm sitting at this table called love
Staring down at the irony of life
How come we've reached this fork in the road
And yet it cuts like a knife'
I'm not crying
I'm not crying
I'm not cry-y-y-y-
-y-y-y-y-ing... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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