Wednesday, October 8, 2008

how many bars have you got?

I hate mobile phones.

I always end up somewhere with no reception.

I accidently ring the wrong people drunk.

People ring me when I want to sleep.

Phones encourage communication, and that is no good.

They never fit in my pocket right.

And they give me cancer of the brain or ear.

But I like them now, because they are fucking up Stanford and his little dog and pony show later this month.

It now looks like Digicel have taken one of Stanford’s black bat and have beaten him around the ass until his ass is of the same colour.

I do like it when rich people get a black bat to the ass.

Obviously I still want the series to go ahead, because I want to watch cricket, and funny outfits.

But I just don’t want him to make any money off it.

Is there a special Shadenfreuden for when the rich fail? Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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