Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jerry Lewis calls us all fags, even the ladies, especially the ladies

"Oh, cricket? It's a fag game. What are you, nuts?"

Jerry Lewis

Lewis, pure masculinity on a stick, took a swing at all of us.

He also went on to hold a cricket bat in an effeminate way, so not with his penis.

Jerry Lewis has always been known as a mans man who hates any balls not his own, so these comments come as no surprise.

In this day and age of sexual revolution, perhaps Jerry was saying that cricket is a progressive sport.

Liberal, ready to change, and occasionally bend over for its own benefit.

This was probably something he came up with watching the Stanford games.

He really is an astute man.

You could learn a thing or two from him while you are having sex with your life partner, who is of the same sex, because you are a gay We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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