Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From Sunny Cornwall

What Australia need to do to win

It’s all about the opening.

Get Gambhir and Sehwag out.

And Hayden and Katich must put on partnerships.

If they can do that, perhaps other horses will leave the stable and victory is a possibility.

What India need to do to win

Play the exact same way they did last test.

How Australian can lose

By struggling to get wickets, build partnerships and play their brand of cricket.

How India can lose

If Kumble doesn’t fire as a bowler.

Or if the team doesn’t fire under their more conservative captain.

Let Khan get into a pissing contest, he has to bowl out 10 guys, not one big headed christian.

How the draw can happen

By neither team taking 20 wickets

What can Mishra do to get a game

8 wickets next time.

What can Krejza do to get a game

Any wickets

Who will win

Should be India, even if Australia usually come back hard from losses.

Who will be man of the match

Bishan bedi

Will the credit crunch effect my abilities as a lover

Yes, stop taking your calculator to bed.www.cricketwithballs.com... We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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