Monday, October 27, 2008

ICL gets Stalinesque

If this is true, the ICL is run by evil dictators.

And they have found new ways to penalise the ICL cricketers.

Chris Cairns has been suspended for not reporting an injury before the tournament.

What the fuck?

If you sign Cairns you automatically assume he is injured at all times.

The man is walking, when he can, basket case.

He has never been fit, he popped his head about of his mothers vagina and clutched his hamstring.

First day of school he was on crutches.

When he lost his virginity he split his foreskin, that is just how he is.

New Zealand's match fitness test was whether he could get onto the bus unaided.

The ICL have not been watching his career, they have been busy eating caviar out of the anal crevice of young peasant boys.

What player wouldn’t lie about his injury to play when a contract is on the line?

But the ICL wasn’t happy enough giving Cairns the ass, they also got rid of Dinesh Mongia.

Why, because he knew a team mate was playing with an injury.

Sorry not just a team mate, his captain.

How many people would dob in their captains?

If all players caught hiding injuries were fired, we wouldn't have any keepers.

The ICL has been trying to be legit recently, and this is obviously part of it, but by fucking over two of their cricketers, and big name ones at that, they are fucking up all the anti BCCi & CA love they have been getting.

I have always stood up for the players in the ICL, the lepers of the cricket community, but if this is how the ICL treats their own, perhaps we should burn it down.

I volunteer to burn Tony Greig.

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