Friday, October 10, 2008

stumps day two

Khan gave Lee a bit of a lions roar when he clean bowled him.

Perhaps a look at the score board would have been appropriate for Khan at that stage.

Was a good ball though, and the stump was up rooted, which is always exciting.

I like having Mitchell Johnson and Stuart Clark at 10 & 11, because they both don’t mind to have a dip.

I do like this reverse swing for Khan. Johnson was no where near that, and that is hard to do when you hit it.

More lions roar.

Now we need the Proctologist Clark to swing the bat.

This is when he is at his most entertaining.

Instead Khan picks up a 5 for, with more reverse swing and knocks out Hussey’s middle stump.

The Indian team look very happy with them selves, maybe they are just happy to get out of the field.

Australia’s innings was all about the Partnerships, they never let India take two quick wickets, and then Ponting and Hussey controlled them completely.

Sharma was the best bowler, but Khan got the figures.

India in, and Brett Lee hoops the first one a fair way, Mr Delightful says “that’s swung” I concur.

Clark still has they stupid colour in his hair, but it is less noticeable.

Sehwag and Gotham City look positive, although Gotham looks like he is trying to go out LB.

India get to 50 without much trouble, but they have to, their inform batsmen are the openers.

The Proctologist Clark out points god and gets the nick, but it just falls short of Haddin, who is the opposite of a Victorian wicket keeper in his honesty.

As much as I like watching Clark to Sehwag, Johnson seems to be the one bowler that can worry him, I don’t think he likes the ‘heavy’ ball.

And then rain and close.

India did very well in that session, Khan’s lion roaring and Sehwag’s sehwagness brought back the balance.

Should be a good day tomorrow. Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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