Sunday, October 12, 2008

299 and a bag of potato chips

Just when I thought the relationship between big bear Cam White and Tricky Ricky Ponting was warming, Ponting declares when White is smoting them.

He walks in cracks 18 off 14 like hulk Hogan might have, and just when you think, he’ll get a nice 30 odd not out here, Ponting pulls him for the selfish reason of winning the test.

India need 299 to win, which proves that Ricky isn’t as anal about numbers as mark Taylor would have been.

The run rate required is 3.6, which shits over any teams rate in this match.

However Australia batted for 5 overs and made 35 runs this morning, so you can still score on this wicket, but it seems to take batsmen who don’t really over think it.

Bhaji and Khan showed this, then Watson, Haddin and White reiterated it.

Who thinks less than his murderousness Sehwag?

Don’t doubt it though, this is an offensive declaration, so now let us sit back and watch Sehwag win it, or India lose it.

Cam might not have made a big mark just yet, with Mark Nicholas referring him as past Victorian allrounder Yorkshire’s Craig Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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