Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cook some Moores, please

Peter Moores has let the bullshit of modern sport get to him.

I can’t blame him, it happens to everyone these days, and it happens to probotic coaches once they receive their first pay check.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

But when you claim that the Stanford game isn’t all about money, and you call it an ‘international’ you have lost your fucking mind.

It’s not an international, you aren’t playing a country, you are playing a sponsor.

It’s like if Australia played the Snap Crackle & Pop XI, sure you are representing your country, but you are only doing because some texas good old boy came up with the Benjamins.

Alistair Cook is right, and I don’t say that easily, this is all about the cash, because without the cash this wouldn’t exist.

Test cricket was around before the cash, and if shit came to shit, would probably be around after the cash.

But 2020, and Stanford are just cash.

Disposable assets.

Like eating McDonalds, it may feel good at the time you are eating that crap, but you know if 15 minutes you’re gonna be doing a McCrap and wishing you ate some real food.

I think Alistair Cook is a good batsman, but I wish he would make more centuries, when he said this "The actual cricket is quite unimportant, apart from financially,”

It was his only century this season.

If Moores wants to say things like, "It (the Stanford Super Series) is an event sanctioned by the ICC” and keep a straight face, he can.

But in real cricket, we don’t call them events, we call them series, events are when BoyzIIMen play at your local shopping centre.

And do you know why they play at shopping centres, it's not for the love of the Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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