Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lee goes a through tough time, Australia plays like shit

Neil D’Costa, Clarke’s svengali, says Lee was always going to snap in India.

The wife is the reason, but D’Costa, who has not been quoted before the series, is not Monday quarterbacking all over Lee’s bad form.

D’Costs questioned whether the “right steps were taken’.

I don’t know D’Costa much, other than the fact he I known as the man who taught Clarke to play spinners.

But what should Cricket Australia have done to better handle Lee’s doomed nuptials.

Should they have employed Frasier Krane?

Got him a hooker on retainer?

Listened to his problems, given him advice and charged him 75 bucks an hour?

Showed him pictures of his wife nude with rugby players?

Talked to him about the evilness that resides in all women?

I can’t see what they could have done, sulrey a therapist was availale, but anything more than that was down to the player.

And we all know how well the therapist did for Roy.

It’s all well and good for a batting coach to say that Lee should have been handled differently, but they gave him a month off, and then he wanted to play.

Life is tough.

No one denies this.

But Warne played his best cricket through a separation, where Michael Clarke was the closest thing he had to a therapist.

Lee can’t play decent cricket a month afterwards.

Does that make Warne a better cricketer than Lee, fuck yeah, but Lee is human, and Warne is Warne.

No one is saying that Lee shouldn’t be seriously fucked up after a life changing moment.

But will that change the score of the series, no.

Would Lee at full slight have changed the series result, doubtful, although they would have got closer, but you’d doubt Keith Miller would have affected this one.

Lee is playing crap, and Australia might well lose because of that, but they might also lose because they have 3 or 4 weak links in their line up, and Lee is only one.

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