Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prior protects his Demi

In the film Indecent Proposal, Robert Redford offers Emilio Estevez one million dollars to sleep with his wife.

I think that is way over the odds for Demi Moore, but still, its a film.

In Antigua Stanford has offered 20 million dollars for England to play a cricket game.

England's first thought was that is was harmless, good for the players and a bit of free publicity.

Now the players are revolting against it, the money is fine, but they didn't realise that Stanford would have access to their changerooms or their WAGs.

Also Stanford is no Robert Redford.

He is awkward and sleazy, i think you would spend hours cleaning your hand after one of his handshakes.

Having your wife sit on the lap of an overly tanned billionaire is one thing, but then having said overly tanned billionaire kiss the top of her head must have pissed Prior off.

Prior and Stanford are not friends, they don't go bowling together or eat jellybeans off each others ass cheeks.

For the purpose of this game they are in a employer/employee relationship.

Prior may well donate his pregnant wife for the cause, but he would want the money upfront.

Or he may want to punch Stanford's face until his blood go onto one of his brightly coloured polo shirts.

Either way the ECB probably didn't think they would be fielding questions about players not wanting to play for millions of dollars and how Matt Prior reacted to his missus sitting on a sleazy man's lap.

20 million buys some things, but not wives, good pitches, good taste and lights that work.

But look at that tan, that is worth a million or We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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