Tuesday, October 14, 2008

cam exceeds nothing at all

Cameron White has exceeded all of Ricky Ponting’s expectations.

That can’t be hard.

Before this test Ricky Ponting had no expectations of Cameron White at all.

Actually he had less than zero.

He had minus expectations.

Every time they played together Ponting had a look of disdain on his face for Cam that is usually saved for democrats by republicans, or vice versa.

White never did his case any good, pointing out to Ponting every slight error that Ponting made.

Then he went to New Zealand and invented a new kind of legspin, one that relied on no two balls hit the same quarter of the pitch, it was revolutionary, not in a good way.

Ponting doesn’t like players he can’t trust, or young players coming in and calling the shots.

The big bear ticked both of these boxes.

So the fact that White mostly hit the spot, and didn’t bowl complete rubbish must have been like a Christmas eve hooker to Ponting.

I am sure White does not feel like Ponting is patronising him, and not just because Ponting can’t spell the word.

White and Ponting were sharing chuckles on the blancony on the 4th afternoon, they were like two school boy chums reminising about the old times.

RP: Remember when I thought you were a shit cunt.

CW: Yeah, but you liked me as a bloke.

RP: Nah, you seemed like a know it all.

CW: I thought you were a dummard.

RP: You bowled like shit.

CW: You captained like a retard.

RP: Now you bowl ok, I spose.

CW: And you captain better than then.

RP: See, you’re a better bloke than before.

CW: You too, I spose.

www.cricketwithballs.com... Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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