Wednesday, October 1, 2008

English Awards part two

With the Johnny Cash and Steve Jobs awards handed out yesterday, today we move to the Britney Spears and Andy Warhol awards.

The Britney Award is given to the player who had the most spectacular career disaster this year.

Shoaib Ahktar’s fall from grace with Surrey was good, but in truth his fall from grace was well before Surrey, it was probably around the time of his conception.

Michael Vaughan went from test captain to county struggler in a couple of weeks, so much so that he withdrew from the last game to give Yorkshire a chance.

Simon Jones played like demon, then he returned to where he is more comfortable, the physio’s table.

The winner is Rikki Clarke though, for his stupid back lift, his uncomfortable air, and shitting him self when captaining. He is now at his 3rd club inside of 12 months.

The Andy Warhol award is for those cricketers who perform for 15 minutes when people are watching.

Dawid Malan, the batsman with the silly name has everyone talking, on the back of one innings. He could be England’s Adam Voges.

Graham Napier is the weirdest looking dude you will ever see, and he hit about 400 sixes in one innings, lucky sky were there, it almost booked him a trip to Stanford, even though he has been ordinary since.

But the Winner goes to Liam Dawson, my man, who was on sky like 4 times in 10 days, and performed with wickets and runs every time, the only other considerable thing he did all year was in the last county game of the year, which just happened to be televised.

More awards to Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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