Friday, October 31, 2008

Bad things happen to male models as well

Bitter types, like some of us, may rejoice in the fact that pretty boy James Anderson has been assholed because of Allen Stanford’s crap pitch.

It does take a billionaire to fuck over a rich pretty boy athlete.

England has decided to win the 202020 with a team suited to the low down and dirty pitch, not the most deserving/obvious and players.

It makes sense, but that may not warm James Anderson up at night.

His incredibly hot missus will though.

So it’s hard to get too upset for him.

England had two choices, pick the best XI who are the most deserving (and Luke Wright) and just say, we either win it ort lose with our best men.

Or they say, we pick the best side to win the game, and someone misses out.

That may have been their reasoning, but it's not as if Anderson should have been an automatic selection anyway.

Anderson has been in pretty rubbish form with the white ball in 50 the rather retro 50 over format.

16 matches, 10 wickets @ 58.

In 3 2020 matches he has 4 wickets at 23.

But 2020 form is not real form, well not in this case obviously.

So now we waddle on towards tomorrow night, and we see what Graeme Swann can do.

If England lose and Swann gets punished Anderson may have the greatest we told you so smirk of all time.

I'd like to see that.

I'd also like to see the Graeme Swann drive around in a pink ferrari.

And i'd like to see aliens have sex with a We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Australia bat good, whodathunkit

Australia batted at over 3 runs an over.

Some of them may have got dizzy, they aren't use to this speed of scoring in India.

They also only lost 4 wickets in the day.

They must think they are in Sri Lanka or something.

At this rate they might draw the game.

Fancy We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prior protects his Demi

In the film Indecent Proposal, Robert Redford offers Emilio Estevez one million dollars to sleep with his wife.

I think that is way over the odds for Demi Moore, but still, its a film.

In Antigua Stanford has offered 20 million dollars for England to play a cricket game.

England's first thought was that is was harmless, good for the players and a bit of free publicity.

Now the players are revolting against it, the money is fine, but they didn't realise that Stanford would have access to their changerooms or their WAGs.

Also Stanford is no Robert Redford.

He is awkward and sleazy, i think you would spend hours cleaning your hand after one of his handshakes.

Having your wife sit on the lap of an overly tanned billionaire is one thing, but then having said overly tanned billionaire kiss the top of her head must have pissed Prior off.

Prior and Stanford are not friends, they don't go bowling together or eat jellybeans off each others ass cheeks.

For the purpose of this game they are in a employer/employee relationship.

Prior may well donate his pregnant wife for the cause, but he would want the money upfront.

Or he may want to punch Stanford's face until his blood go onto one of his brightly coloured polo shirts.

Either way the ECB probably didn't think they would be fielding questions about players not wanting to play for millions of dollars and how Matt Prior reacted to his missus sitting on a sleazy man's lap.

20 million buys some things, but not wives, good pitches, good taste and lights that work.

But look at that tan, that is worth a million or We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Will Bowden do a Bucknor?

Billy Bowden has cooked India's goose in the past, and I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again, although umpires may be a little more wary after what happened to Steve Bucknor. In the last Indo-Oz series in India, Bowden should be credited as much as Kasprowicz for the Aussie victory in Bangalore. There's no chance of an Aussie win, of course, this time, but if Bowden keeps turning down plumb LBW shouts like that of Amit Mishra in the last hour of the second day, then the Aussies can escape with a draw in Delhi, and who knows how the newly laid pitch in Nagpur will behave. Let's keep a close eye on Bowden tomorrow. It would be a pity if there's biased umpiring, because otherwise it's a mouth-watering contest between Mishra and the Aussies on a pitch that is still playing easy and true.

Laxman's time is now

VVS Laxman has long been regarded as brilliant and infuriating in equal measure. How can a player who has consistently put Australia to the sword in a manner only Lara and Tendulkar can rival in the last decade have had to endure constant speculation about his place in the side? Why has he been unable to dominate others in the way he does them?

But now, finally, Laxman has the opportunity to step out of the shadow of the fab four: to establish himself as the best batsman in the Indian side. In the last eighteen months, he averages a formidable 57, with his excellance asserting itself more consistently. And no easy runs, either: these Tests have been against Australia, England, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

Laxman's qualities are equally apparent against pace and spin alike. His expertly compiled 79 at Perth earlier this year paved the way for India's incredible Test win there. In Sri Lanka a few months ago, the fab four suffered a slow and painful death at the hands of Messrs Murali and Mendis. Laxman was by no means immune from this, but his panache and concentration put the others to shame: he avearged 43; Dravid 24; and Tendulkar and Ganguly 16 apiece.

For all Dravid's brilliant innings over the years, it is palpable that he is in decline. With Ganguly retiring after this series, India may wish to stick with Dravid for a while longer yet. But if they are to do so, it should not be at number three.

VVS Laxman is about to turn 34; he is about to play his hundredth Test match. Yet, for all that, for all his six sublime centuries against Australia, it has been a career essentially lived in the shadows of the other three members of the fab four. In large part this has been due to his infuriating tendency to get dismissed when well set. But it is also in part because he has been hidden away at number six, to often left stranded and too late to dictate the innings' tempo.

Now that must change. Laxman has shown, during his limited opportunities, that his technique and batting style are well-suited to the pivotal role of number three. The other components of the fab four have had their best years; Laxman may yet have his in front of him. After his sublime double century, India should recognise that they must entrust Laxman with more responsibility: he has scored 13 Test hundreds, and, with several years ahead of him, 20 is eminently attainable. He has developed admirable tenacity and patience tio go with his breathtaking stroke-play. Now put Laxman in the most important position - and watch him flourish.

Did India bat too long?

I usually think 500 is enough.

India went 113 past that.

But you can never tell if a declaration is correct until the 6th day of a test.

There must have been a part of Kumble that just said, fuck it, lets grind these cunts into the ground.

Kumble, the George Bush Snr of the Indian camp, will have many know that you don't get many chances to win a test, but its still fun to settle some old scores.

I can't blame him, but if it ends up in a draw, Indian fans may not be so forgiving.

Good to see VVS wake up as well, and now Hayden has a start as well, I assume they both read my blog, and no need to thank me for this We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the Gautham city Joe Biden

Indian cricket is full of big names, big performances, big egos and big ass clowns.

One man seems to more of a doer, and less of a God-like being.

Sehwag is the Barack O’Bama figure, it doesn’t really matter what he does, the people want him at all times. That doesn’t mean that this story doesn’t end with a bang.

Ganguly is the Sarah Palin one, not the brightest or the best, but boy does he look good in a bikini and rub people up the wrong way.

Ol’ John McCain is Ol’ Sachin Tendulkar, been there a long time, steady like a freight train and loved fanatically by those who are fanatical by nature.

Gambhir though is hardly spoken of.

He is there, we have seen the scorecards, and he is important, we have reviewed the scorecards, but he doesn’t get the fan fare.

Occasionally he is prone to en emabarrsing gaffe, and is not afraid to get down and dirty, but at the moment he is the quiet achjiever.

Others may get the plaudits, but without him on the ballot, Barack would be light on.

Were Sehwag to get assassinated, again, Gautham may not be the man you want to take over, but that does not mean he wouldn’t do a damn fine job.

I think he is ready to handle the launch codes.

And to complete the metaphor, Dravid is Al Gore, VVS is Bill Clinton, and Dhoni is Hilary. We constantly get sodomized down the legside

What does Australia need to do today?

Call in a bomb threat.

Teach their batsmen the art of tantric batting.

Bowl with 5 slips all day in a homage to Steve Waugh.

Let Ponting bowl his little outswingers.

Learn German.

Get Matthew Hayden to speak to his mate Jesus.

Ofcourse nothing here will really help them.

They are proper fucked.

A good test team would wait for India to declare, then make a 450 or so and make some sort of game of it.

What will this Australian side do? We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Why are trinidad & tobago the best domestic 2020 side in the world

They open with a leg We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am going to be on holiday for the next few days, i know, crap timing.

But there was no other holes in the schedule.

So if i am not around enough for your liking, never fear, i will return.

I have done a preview, and it shall be uploaded We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Surrey sign international bowler

Shame its Alex Tudor.

Read We constantly get sodomized down the legside

From Sunny Cornwall

What Australia need to do to win

It’s all about the opening.

Get Gambhir and Sehwag out.

And Hayden and Katich must put on partnerships.

If they can do that, perhaps other horses will leave the stable and victory is a possibility.

What India need to do to win

Play the exact same way they did last test.

How Australian can lose

By struggling to get wickets, build partnerships and play their brand of cricket.

How India can lose

If Kumble doesn’t fire as a bowler.

Or if the team doesn’t fire under their more conservative captain.

Let Khan get into a pissing contest, he has to bowl out 10 guys, not one big headed christian.

How the draw can happen

By neither team taking 20 wickets

What can Mishra do to get a game

8 wickets next time.

What can Krejza do to get a game

Any wickets

Who will win

Should be India, even if Australia usually come back hard from losses.

Who will be man of the match

Bishan bedi

Will the credit crunch effect my abilities as a lover

Yes, stop taking your calculator to We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Here's to a Kumble swan song

On the eve of the Test, it looks like Bhajji's toe is Mishra's only hope of getting to play in spite of bowling out half the Australian side in the first innings of the Mohali Test. Kumble wants to give Bhajji time until the morning of the Test to see if he can "declare himself fit". One can only hope his desperation to have Bhajji in the eleven is prompted by the need for balance in the side, as he says, rather than a reluctance to compete against Mishra on the same pitch. Having said all that, I do expect Kumble to get among the wickets at the Kotla even if he is only half fit, although he claims to be 100 per cent. This is the only pitch which is rough enough for him to turn the ball past the bat. That, combined with uneven bounce on a hard surface, means he will be difficult to handle if his shoulder allows him bowl at something like the speed at which he usually does. But so what? On every other pitch, Kumble will continue to struggle to get wickets because his in-dipper is old hat, and nobody gets trapped LBW to that any more. For his sake, I hope he bowls India to a series win in Delhi, and immediately announces his retirement.

Shane Warne upset Shane Warne is upset at 4 part harmony

The musical by Eddie Perfect, brilliantly titled, Shane Warne: The musical has upset the man himself.

Not because he has seen it, and doesn’t like it.

Not even because he has heard bad things about it.

But because his permission was not asked before the UNAUTHORISED musical was made.

Warne, never a big fan of the dictionary, believes that he should have been asked before this was made.

Why, Shane, why? We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Monday, October 27, 2008

ICL gets Stalinesque

If this is true, the ICL is run by evil dictators.

And they have found new ways to penalise the ICL cricketers.

Chris Cairns has been suspended for not reporting an injury before the tournament.

What the fuck?

If you sign Cairns you automatically assume he is injured at all times.

The man is walking, when he can, basket case.

He has never been fit, he popped his head about of his mothers vagina and clutched his hamstring.

First day of school he was on crutches.

When he lost his virginity he split his foreskin, that is just how he is.

New Zealand's match fitness test was whether he could get onto the bus unaided.

The ICL have not been watching his career, they have been busy eating caviar out of the anal crevice of young peasant boys.

What player wouldn’t lie about his injury to play when a contract is on the line?

But the ICL wasn’t happy enough giving Cairns the ass, they also got rid of Dinesh Mongia.

Why, because he knew a team mate was playing with an injury.

Sorry not just a team mate, his captain.

How many people would dob in their captains?

If all players caught hiding injuries were fired, we wouldn't have any keepers.

The ICL has been trying to be legit recently, and this is obviously part of it, but by fucking over two of their cricketers, and big name ones at that, they are fucking up all the anti BCCi & CA love they have been getting.

I have always stood up for the players in the ICL, the lepers of the cricket community, but if this is how the ICL treats their own, perhaps we should burn it down.

I volunteer to burn Tony Greig.

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MIddlesex: Caveat Emptor bitches

KP was angry Neil Carter was brought in for the cash.

Now so are the whole Middlesex community.

Carter made his game the other night look good.

1 run, 1 dropped catch, 2 or 3 fumbles, and an over for 18 that was the end for the Crusaders.

You could argue he did a better job as a double agent for TnT than he did for Middlesex.

When he bowled his last over, TnT needed 36 off 24 balls.

The next over the needed 18 off 18.

He was unlucky in the over, he had a six put down, that dropped over the line.

But one of his balls was a head high full toss that was hit for six.

That was the time someone needed to go out with a needle, put a sedative in him and sell his kidneys.

Because that was the only way he was going to deliver any cash to middlesex players.

The Carter experiment was a tremendous FAIL, hopefully Suave will help me out here.

Especially when they have finn on the bench who is like 6'24 inches and looks like he was born to bowl at the death.

After that over Carter looked like he was born to be a lemming.

Well played to TnT though, i thought they were the better side on the day, but without Carter they may not have got home.

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missing something?

The balls in your box have been delivered.

But if you would rather them in your facebook.

They are here.

If you would rather them in your box, email me at We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Brad Hodge becomes highest scoring Vic of all time

Brad Hodge has moved past Deano on the all time scoring record for Victoria.

I wrote about it here.

And Paul Reiffel was so excited he was elevated to International TV umpire status.

If Reiffel ever does become an International umpire, his mosrt major mistake should be reported as "Pistol shoots and misses" We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Is Bishan Bedi an actual magician?

Can he turn water into wine?

Can he take a snow flake and turn it into coke?

Can he construct world peace?

Can he actually polish a turd?

If not, why would Australia have hired him to work with their spinners.

He would want to be some weird hybrid of Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jesus and Muhammad Ali in order to help.

Jason Krejza may be perfectly suited to playing for Australia, what with the drinking and drugging in his past.

But his lack of figures are not so Australian, and are more Bangladeshi.

Cameron White is a batsman who bowls his deliveries as fast as he can so no one will notice he is a batsman.

So what can Bedi do to fix these men?

Mechanical arms.

Voodoo/Hoodoo magic.

Human replicants.

A glitch in the matrix.

Electric Collars that fry the bowler when he bowls bad.

Bishan Bedi was a superstar bowler, and seems to be a freakish bowling coach.

But unless he has been training with Rael himself, and can clone Shane Warne and produce him by Wednesday morning, he wont be able to help much.

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No place for Kumble in this team

Debutant Amit Mishra got 7 of the 20 Australian wickets in Mohali, 5 of them in the first innings which really set up the victory for India. This against the top team in the world, and on a flat, easy batting wicket. But he didn't get the man-of-the-match award. Worse, he can't even be sure of being included in the team for the next Test in Delhi. Instead, a bowler who has averaged 46 runs per wicket in the last 11 Test matches, and bowled 50 wicketless overs in the first Test, is "raring to go" as he puts it himself in his signed column. This is the problem with Indian cricket. We're stuck with players who can walk into the team on the basis of past records, rather than current form and fitness. Is it more important to squeeze a few more games out of a 38-year-old bowler who has already got 18 years of international cricket under his belt, or to encourage a bowler who has shown the potential to serve Indian cricket for the next 10 years? Don't you think India might have won the Bangalore Test or even the series in Sri Lanka if Mishra had played instead of Kumble?
Even if Mishra gets to play in Delhi, I suspect he will be forced to play third fiddle to the KumBha mela, and that can only be to the advantage of the Australians, who clearly have no clue to his googly. And if Laxman is dropped to accommodate Kumble, that might be just the opening the Aussies need to come back in this series because it would weaken the Indian batting. Is it more important to figure out how Kumble can be accommodated, or to decide what is the best way to ensure India wins the series? Why are the interests of an individual taking precedence over those of the team? If you factor in the captaincy, where Dhoni is clearly way ahead of Kumble, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind.
More on this in an article I wrote a couple of days back: India's Diwali gift to Ponting

Stanford Substandard Series

[b]The Stanford Super Series is underway and is yet to produce the sort of cricket that its founder was expecting.
The first Stanford Super Series has only partially lived up to its billing. It has certainly been ‘Stanford’ â€" the benefactor has been a ubiquitous presence, swilling beer and shaking hands with anyone available â€" but it has emphatically not been ‘super’.

The opening two matches have both been mere warm-ups, but they did little to help the image of the event. Turgid runscoring on a painfully slow wicket and catching incompetence must have left Sir Allen wondering about the wisdom of his investment. He will not break the American market with this sort of cricket.

Low-scoring limited overs contests can be intriguing, a game of cat and mouse where skilful batting and bowling is rewarded, but the initial Stanford warm-ups were so devoid of big hitting â€" England managed seven boundaries against Middlesex - that they resembled the middle overs of a 50 over match.

More significantly, the matches have been as low on quality as they have been on big hitting. No amount of excuses citing unfamiliarity with the floodlights can put a gloss on the shocking standard of catching, although Middlesex and England deserve credit for being embarrassed enough at their abject displays in the field to stay on the field to practice. Stanford looked on impassively, no doubt wishing Australia or South Africa had taken up his offer.

However, the big man should not be too critical of the teams he has invited â€" the wicket served up for them is so lacking in pace that fluent attacking strokeplay is virtually negated, with pacemen required to do little apart from bowl straight and spinners able to maintain 50 over sized economy rates. Some of the piles of money on offer should have been directed towards the groundsman.

If the $20m match between the Superstars and England follows the trend set so far, the one interesting element of this unsavoury series, that of players buckling under pressure will be removed.

There would have been a guilty pleasure in watching someone shell a chance that cost his team the pot of gold â€" that pleasure will not be had if chances are going down left, right and centre.

Twenty20 cricket retains its integrity when players perform the necessary skills under extreme pressure. This series is not overflowing with integrity and is in danger of turning to a sequence of beer matches, or rather champagne matches.

[b]Written by Philip Oliver, a sports writer who blogs about [/b][b]cricket betting[/b][b].[/b]

Vics win, again

Queensland is still rubbish.

The Vics are still good.

What a wonderful world.

Read We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jerry Lewis calls us all fags, even the ladies, especially the ladies

"Oh, cricket? It's a fag game. What are you, nuts?"

Jerry Lewis

Lewis, pure masculinity on a stick, took a swing at all of us.

He also went on to hold a cricket bat in an effeminate way, so not with his penis.

Jerry Lewis has always been known as a mans man who hates any balls not his own, so these comments come as no surprise.

In this day and age of sexual revolution, perhaps Jerry was saying that cricket is a progressive sport.

Liberal, ready to change, and occasionally bend over for its own benefit.

This was probably something he came up with watching the Stanford games.

He really is an astute man.

You could learn a thing or two from him while you are having sex with your life partner, who is of the same sex, because you are a gay We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Tonight, Tonight

Stanford is on in prime time.

England are up against Middlesex.

And i shall bring you all the QBQ, (OBO) goodness i can.

I may even be sober. We constantly get sodomized down the legside

ECB Vs North London, QBQ (OBO) as it happens, exactly

Stanford is back, and so am I, yet again we have players taking on their own, and CWB is here to take you through every last moment.

England V Middlesex, Bourbon Included.

When you have something to say Comment up here, and the page will refresh every 5 minutes or so.

3/95 15 overs

Freddy on.

Big 3 overs for England, if they lose, only winning the 20 million will save their faces, and Malan is a handful and a few extra fingers.

Freddy has bowled 3 yorkers to start with, this is good.

Two off that one, but Freddy is all over this.

Middlesex need alot of runs from the other end next over.

Dot ball, that is like heroin pumped into the heart right now.

6 off the over.

Freddy is Kp's bagman.

3/89 14 overs

Malan has played 5 reverse sweeps for 8 runs off the bat, and two extras.

Joyce has got to score run a ball from now on, Malan must be on strike.

Malan dances down to Patel and whacks a cover drive through Bell's hands to the fence.

Ceci says "KP is a rubbish bowler isn't he? And how many more times are we to see Lord Stanford pressing the flesh?" at least 7 or 8 times a game.

3/81 13 overs

Malan trots down and puts KP into the stands again.

When K is on his pads Malan has trouble, the minute the ball is straight Malan just whacks it.


A return in for the deep hits the top of the stumps and smacks him in the Ishant Sharma.

For a second he looked shabby.

he has bowled ok though, 4 overs and 27 runs.

3/73 12 overs

Joyce is playing the sheet anchor role, he will still be there at the 50 over mark.

Malan runs down the wicket and slogs terribly for one.

49 off 30 to get.

Get Malan, and win.

3/68 13 overs

Ting is fighting on a tuk tuk, malan takes this as his Q and crucnhes KP out of the ground, and hemisphere.

Kp is still bowling well though.

He has got Malan's leading edge 3 or 4 times now.

Malan misses a full toss off the last ball, heartbreaking.

3/58 12 overs

Patel on.

If England break this partnership in the next 6 overs they should win easy.

Malan is convinced reverse sweep is the way to go.

Good first up over for Patel.

3/54 11 overs

Malan reverse sweeps Kp like he is nuthin, and all the way along the ground it still goes to the rope.

Kp is keeping a lid on it.

Len says, "I think England and Middlesex have achieved the impossible, they've subdued a West Indian crowd into near coma.

Swann’s singing voice is delightful btw. I’d like to see him cover an Anthony and the Johnsons number. I won’t have time to hear it myself you understand, but I’m happy to read reviews." I say he would sound great singing I am a bird now.

3/47 10 overs


Morgan runs down the wicket and slogs it no where and Anderson takes the catch.

Broad has looked good today, although he spent most of hs time bowling to Carter.

Joyce dropped, tough one to Collingwood again.

Dawid Malan in now, the boy can hit, but alot of his reputation is based on one game.

Dave says, "Carter's looking rubbish here - he needs to tread on his stumps and get someone else in." to be fair he probably said it when he was still batting.

Braod bowls a short wide one to malan, sho slaps it over point. He bowled an assfull of those to Carter, and he missed them.

2/42 9 overs

Ting is fighting the guy who trows furniture and everything else at him in the club.

KP on.

Morgan usually plays spin brilliantly.

And England really only has 2 useful part timers.

Two full tosses to start with, but only one run.

Joyce and Morgan are making KP look good.

Pretty good over though for England.

2/39 8 overs

Ting is back in the club, and the Aussie guy, or is it another, is about to fight him.

Bumble says good crowd in, 5000 people, is that good?

Carter on strike, surely Freddy straight through him, or a full toss hit for 2.


Sumit Patel puts everyone one of us out of Carter's misery.

11 off 27.

Stanford should take him out the back and shoot him.

It was a typical CArter slog accross the line and a top edge, because he isn't good enough.

Eoin Morgan is in, this guy can bat.

Maybe he will wake us up.

Carter may have lost this game for Middlesex.

1/33 7 overs

Carter is still nowhere near it.


7 off 22

This is embarrassing.

Somebody shoot him, this is shocking.

He is not even getting near them.

And fucken KP drops him, he slogs it sraight up in the air.

Maybe that was a good tactic.

At least Carter hits it, he misses the next one.

1/30 6 overs

Freddy on, Joyce slices it to Collingwood who drops it and it goes for 4.

Ting's chase is on through the streets of Bangkok, he jumps through barbwired for no reason, and it is shown from 3 angles, one after the other.

Freddy is way too good for Carter.

Lots of runs from this over, all from drops and edges.

Ceci seems aggreieved she isn't one of Stanford's lady friends, "Vile Stanford exercising his droit de seigneur with the WAGS there..."

1/20 5 overs

Broad on.

The Carter experiment is not working, he may be able to slog division 2 bowlers, but Simon Jones is not out there.

He is just closing his eyes.

First Stanford sighting, must have been in the "captains room".

Finally smashes one, straight to the field.

I was joking about Stanford having a captains room, and then he is shown with a blonde on his lap.

being rich is cool.

Carter is still missing.

Stanford just kissed the blonde on the head, kissing babies?

She looked so uncomfortable.

Carter slogs one straight up in the air, and gets away with it, 6 lusty swings in that over, for 2 runs.

Stanford's lusty swings looked better.

1/18 4 overs

Ting is fighting in the club now, against his willm and the voice box guy looks angry as he loses money. Ting is about to fight the aussie guy, as the aussie guys are usually the villians in thai films.


Strauss you idiot. He has the slogger at the other end, and he just slogs and misses it by 3 or 4 feet.

8 from 12.

Sidebottom sort of rejoyces, as Coburg's Own Ed Joyce comes to the crease.

England in a good spot here, Carter looks like going out soon as well.
0/14 3 overs

Strauss almost runs himself out, that is because the balls are heavier, i suppose.

And again.

Anderson has pulled up twice now, his wallet isnt full yet, so that can't be it.

When he finally makes it in, Carter slaps it over mid off.

Carter has scored 4 runs, and had 3 leg byes taken from balls he has been nowhere near.

0/7 2 overs

Sidebottom is on, and he has had his hair cut, and now he really really really looks like a girl.

I'm serious it is a girls hair do, i cannot believe it.

Ting has just made it to Bangkok in Ongbak, missed the bit where he dlimbs the tree and all the boys fall out of the tree.

Sidebottom right on the money.

Great over really.

Carter looked a little out of his depth when on strike.

Sarah says the irish a filthy vermin "Morgan so stood on the rope - body language screamed that!"

0/5 1 over

Anderson bowling, Strauss and Carter (I think) batting, I'm on screw drivers.

He drops short and Strauss turns his hips on it and pulls it to the rope.

A good over with two shit balls.

Len thinks Stanford is into slow foreplay "These first two games haven't exactly been a carnival of cricket. Perhaps they're just luring us in slowly. Nice Ronnie Rosenthal moment from Andrew Struass though..."

My verdict on Swann's singings is a 6, anyone else?

At the half way point here is some entertainment.

Graeme Swann's band.

The trailer for the first innings film.

And the short film Rubber Johnny by English director Chris Cunningham.


4/121 20 overs

Finn on, and almost clean bowls Shah off the first two balls.

first 3.

Bat on ball Shah?

Maybe 120 is gone.

And Shah chips a single.

120 still a chnce.

Now collingwood is missing, and Ben Scott gets excited and throws a mad bye away.

120 up, congrats.

Single off the last ball.


Great effort Middlesex, this is awesome.

4/118 19 overs

KP's Carter back on.


I think, was caught on the rope, Freddy slogged it, and now nothing is happening. Freddy got all the way to the rope and Stopped, Dar tried to stop him well before that.

The fielder may have stepped on the rope, Morgan through the ball back with no fan fare, and after 4 minutes, it was given out.

And it just dawned on me that the real story is that someone held a catch.

16 off 17.

Alot of swinging, but didn't look in good touch at all.

Collingwood in, clever thinking.

Neil Carter makes a beaver gesture to someone, i think.

140 is gone.

3/111 18 overs

The second innings film will be Ong-Bak

Finn on, big ask.

Another drop.

Murtagh, was a full toss from Finn and Shah slaps it straight to mid off.

Shah continues to ride his luck with an edge over the keepers head to the rope.

Shah screams for a single, and Ben Scott sasy the cramps are coming now?

What is he saying people?

3/102 17 overs

Barbarella is over, she can catch.

Murtagh back on, and he gives his team mate a knee high full toss that was hit to another island.

That was for Joyce.

Murtagh hits the pitch this time, and Freddy hits the shit out of it, big six again.

Good spell Tim.

3/87 16 overs

Carter back on.

they need 60 from the last 5 to get to 140.

The spin has choked them.

While Freddy is stil there, 140 is a chance, but surely Collingwood can't get in.

last ball Shah hits the ball straight up in the air, Joyce gets under it, and the ball gets under him, he misjudges it badly, and gets up and shrugs it off.

Another victim of the heavier white balls.

3/82 15 overs

Dawid Malan is on with his leggies.

Fucken hell that is ugly.

Who taught this guy to bowl, the elephant man?

I think its Peter McIntyre's action.

But he spins it, so did McIntyre.

3/77 14 overs

Udal completely fools Freddy, who hits the ball up as gently as you can, and Strauss drops it, you cannot believe it.

Strauss takes it seriously by laughing before he drops it.

Fuck that was funny.

It was so easy.

Udal's figures are 4 overs for 14, brilliant stuff from the pensioner.

3/73 13 overs

Kartik has bowled 3 free hits, and has gotten away with everyone.


Kartik beats Kp in the air, and he is stumped easily by Scotty.

Kartik gives him a death stare send off.

KP made 5.

He did not face Neil Carter.

Freddy comes in wearing Harmison's shirt.

Cozier says he forgot his shirt at the team hotel.

Kartik rips one past him first ball.

And second ball.

He is on fire.

"How does an orgasm machine work?" Smithy asks.

Sort of like a giant Organ, that she is inserted in.

If that makes sense

2/70 12 overs

Barbarella is on the orgams machine, and she is killing it with her raw sexual energy.

Adidas must be wrapped with the Balck bats for KP's first outing with them.

Scott seemed to sledge Shah with an inside joke, I'm sure it was funny.

Spinners have brought down the run rate to under 6.

Mistake not picking Swann?

Great over from Udal.

2/68 11 overs

Barbarella just went through the grotto type place where there is a guy trapped in a bubble.


Kartik gets a quicker one through Prior.

Clean bowls him, probably good for England, he was in the way.

29 off 32, this is 2020 right?

KP in.

Ben Scott doesn't try and get eye contact with him.

Kartik has bowled two free hits now.

Kp misses it.

Smithy says "When the pink boys learn how to field this could get interestin" even though they did get a run out, he has a point.

1/59 10 overs

Prior cannot read Udal's flight.

Good over buy Udal.

Spinners have done very well.

Ceci wants a drink "Can't cope - pass the Bourbon please - no Harmy - KP can't even bring himself to name Swann as a non-player (strongly suspect Swann does not genuflect in front of Cap'n KP enough), Sid has had a haircut - but did like Andy Roberts single dread."

We all do, not much of a game yet.

1/54 9 overs

England looking for 140 at this stage.

Shah seems to have no sense of humour for any of Scott's shenanigans.

Shah plays a leg glance of Kartik for four.

I can't remember the last one.

Two spinners on i can't check Barbarella or this link..

1/44 8 overs

Udal is on, and out foxes Prior first ball, but it drops in the gap.

Udal and kartik are Middlesex's money men, if they can tie these two down it could hurt englnad.

Prior should have been run out again, but poor throw by kartk saves him.

Bell and Prior are running like shit.


Finally Middlesex get it right, well Carter does and Bell has been run out, there was no run there, Bell did well to only just get run out.

23 off 25, Bell is not an asshole of a 2020 opener.

Shah in.

I wish i could hear the sledging now, Ben Scott is trying to get eye contact with Shah, its romantic.

Great over by Udal.

0/41 7 overs

Barbarella is now about to be given to the birds.

And kartik is on.

First ball Bell plays an ugly sweep.

England need to hit out now, I think Ben Scott may have just said so.

Good base, but what is the point at going for run a ball after 7.

Good over Kartik.

0/36 6 overs

Finn no balls to start the over, no cheer from the crowd, no one cares.

Bell gets caught off the free hit, one drop, one out off a free hit could be big night for him.

Finn could have run Prior out, but instead his limbs knocked the stumps over.

Haysman is all over Taufel, no not liek that.

Wickets would be nice.

0/29 5 overs

Carter and Finn are flying through.

Bell plays a shocker of a hook shot, but without a fine leg it goes for four.

Middlesex need wickets.

0/21 4 overs

Bowling change already, Steven Finn is on, he is 100 foot tall.

Not many people know this but Steven Finn is related to the Finn brothers from New Zealand.

Prior always hated Crowded House so he smacks him through cover.

Finn is pushing 90 miles.

He may be the definition of 'all legs'.

Bumble has just slated Graeme Swanns band, now i have to hear them, if anyone can put the link in the comments, i would be appreciative.

Good first over from Finn, looks a good type.

0/17 3 overs

Barbarella has just woken up in the birds nest after shagging the flying dude.

This obviously put off Kartik, as he dropped a dolly at slip. Murtagh encouraged the nick and Belly obliged.

Was a sitter.

Cozier went for the Iraq war veteran joke, you know the one.

Outfield is still slow as.

0/11 2 overs

KP's Neil Carter is on at the other end.

Starts with a wide, lets hope he can get them on line when he bowls to KP.

Carter plays under 16 cricket, he opens the batting and bowling.

Bowls pretty quick too, if he wasn't 56 he could get a game for South Africa.

Alot of nice shots by the ECB, but haven't picked the gaps yet.

The legend players had on stupid orange shirts last night, today they have on a much more respectable blue.

0/7 1 over

Bell & Prior opening up with Cozier and Bumble.

Cozier says this is the first time he has seen the English team play one of their county teams in the Caribbean. Really?

The bowler was not mentioned before he was hit for a four first nut.

It was Dirty Dirk's mate Tim Murtagh, not the best start.

Murtagh moving the ball around a tad in the air.

Bell's bat looks like it was painted by a 4 year old.

Shocking miss field from Udal, only 2 from it.


Barbarella has just had her first lay, and she likes it so much she wears a tail.


The team lists as stolen from Cric Info.

England 1 Matt Prior (wk), 2 Ian Bell, 3 Kevin Pietersen (capt), 4 Paul Collingwood, 5 Andrew Flintoff, 6 Owais Shah, 7 Luke Wright, 8 Stuart Broad, 9 Samit Patel, 10 Ryan Sidebottom, 11 James Anderson.

Middlesex 1 Andrew Strauss, 2 Ed Joyce, 3 Steve Finn, 4 Eoin Morgan, 5 Dawid Malan, 6 Neil Dexter, 7 Ben Scott (wk), 8 Tim Murtagh, 9 Neil Carter, 10 Shaun Udal (capt), 11 Murali Kartik.


Barbarella has just entered the ice ship with the dude wearing a gorilla suit, she is now making love to him. What a trooper.


As I am missing Barbarella to bring this to you tonight, from time to time i will flick channels, and give you updates on that masterpiece.


KP wins the toss and they will bat.


Bad news sports fans, two ommissions, one huge, one not so important.

The huge one is Tyrone Henderson, the South African 70's porn star, a man who was made for 2020 cricket and nothing else.

The other one is Harmison.

Quickly read Kp pretend he has morals We constantly get sodomized down the legside

2 tests be damned

Congratulations to New Zealand. They have played brilliantly this test.

And with it they have wrapped their first series win in the Subbie in 4 years. Daniel Vettori should be very proud.

I think we all know the problem with 2 test series. They suck. And with rain they suck hard.

So I am calling for all 2 test series to be banned.

We don’t need them. Stick them where the sun don’t shine. Fuck them off. Burn them at the cross.


2 test series are not deserving of the term ‘series’, they are abominations created by tight fisted administracrats.

So lets kill the administracrats and send the 2 test series back to hell.

Who is with me? We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Stanford under the microscope

Last night I did a little QBQ (OBO) type thing on the first Stanford game.

Twas my first experience of the Texas Real Estate Baron.

Last night I did a little QBQ (OBO) type thing on the first Stanford game.

Twas my first experience of the Texas Real Estate Baron.

The first thing you noticed is the sky commentators were the team.

And they were in A grade ass licking form.

Bumble loved the gym, and Nasser loved absolutely every part of the ground, atmosphere and tournament.

While they were fighting for the crown of chief ass licker, Mike Haysman was talking to the players on the field.

They couldn’t hear him over the music, so that was handy, for them.

Then he spoke to some players off the field and crowd members, and one thing hit me, the chick who does the same job in the ICL is really hot, so it doesn’t matter if the interview is interesting.

Stanford acts like a politician, I may have given myself a poetic licencse when I said he kissed a baby, he actually picked up a 6 year old, held her in front of his face like an uncomfortable uncle and then put her on the ground and told her how pretty she was.

It was horrible.

He also went around shaking hands.

It was just wrong, he isn’t that sort of guy.

The black bats were something, something shit, they are just painted in black paint and then have the stickers put on.

So they aren’t all black, and once the white ball hits them it looks shoddy as shit.

The crowd, while the Indians go over the top. And that is annoying in itself, the West Indians are too cool to show any emotion at all.

The umpiring system is flawed.

The 3rd umpire can change a decision at any time, except that there is no time, so mistakes are going to happen more often, with the 3 appeals system, you have more chances to get the right decision.

Benn had an LB that could have been out (it wasn’t but lets pretend it was), and the appeal was turned down, if it was actually out Benn can’t appeal to the third, and since there is about 20 seconds between balls Rudi wouldn’t have had time to actually review it before the next ball.

How is that fair to the bowlers?

And even in 2020, the batsmen get off the field very quickly after their wickets, so Rudi may not get time to review their case either.

It’s an illusion of fairness.

Plus the umpires look like old porn stars.

The pitch, at this stage, doesn’t look conducive to big scores.

The uniforms, are amazingly plain, and I don’t mind that, but they do look a little odd around the ankles.

Over all the Stanford didn’t jump out at me like the IPL did.

But it does have its advantages, no one said DLF maximum, no bollywood stars bogarting cricketers fame, and the cricket was more important than the show.

But the last point is the problem, in 2020 the show is the main thing, and it was light on the show, and without the show, all you have is the cricket, and 2020 cricket is Meh most of the time.

Return to frontpage We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bourbon soaked Stanford QBQ, probably

Stanford is here, and so is Jrod, Stanfording it up all over the place. This is my QBQ, as the magic happens, having never seen a Stanford event before i will be rating every little thing.

Feel free to comment, not just about cricket, it could be anything, seen any good films recently? Refresh as you want, or wait for my little counter thing to do so for you.

7/121 19 overs

Taylor back on.

Cooper is in by the way.

And he smashes one though covers in calypso style.

For those who don't know, Cooper has a stutter step in his bowling.

Cooper tries to get himself out, Taylor bowls a slower one, and Cooper shuffles across and misses it, and it bounces inches over the stumps. It was much funnier than i desribed.


Ran outside off again, and hit plumb in front by a quick one.

Taufel gives it out, and Rudi agrees.

Ravi Rampaul in.

6/116 18 overs

Dave back on.

He starts with a wide full one and Ramdin swipes it over cover.

Positive they said Dave Mohammed was a finger spinner before, he is definitely a leggie, and that would explain the weird action i said before.


Ramdin runs himself out, ramdin had to take them on, but the game is over now.

13 off 7.

Tried to steal a second, but the security camera caught him.

Should have been another run out next ball, but Dave couldn't take the ball.

No chance of a team hattrick now.


5/108 17 overs


Cozier sticks up for Patty, ofcourse, and on Q Patty (Guillen) finds the only man whose balls don't drop to quickly Darren Sammy.

Powell the bowler.

He made 31 off 43, but he does look like a find, just not a 2020 find.

Ramdin looks good slapping a lofted cover drive to the fence/rope/boundary.

Was it a good move getting Patty out?

4/98 16 overs

Dave Mohammed back on.

Stewart charges down and then plays a push while doing the splits and some how gets back into the crease.

Insane batting, but nice split.

Stewart hits one straight up in the air, Pollard gets under it, and the ball, because it is white, drops quicker than he expects and it rebounds off his hands for 8 yards.


Darren Sammy, he of the brilliantly shaped head catches another slog, maybe his balls didn't drop as fast.

Am i infact still talking about cricket.

26 by Stewart, more huff than puff really.

Ramdin in.

Anon says, "Can Stewart run out this Paty guy."

I assume the message will come out saying that shortly.

3/94 15 overs

Taylor back on, Joseph going in for the kill.

Patty is 27 off 39, he looks really good though, reminds me of a young Shaun Marsh, before he bulked up and could force his way out of slow pitches.

Daylight savings end tonight in London, extra hour of sleep in, awesome, I had an early film at 3pm to see tomorrow.

3/87 14 overs

TnT can only win if someone like Stewart goes nuts.

Pollard has bowled a lot of full tosses, and this one is a real one, straight at the chest and he gets warned.

Patty Hearst needs to hit out, or run himself out here.

Compared to the ICL games, this crowd is on Lithium.

Pollard's stock ball is actually the full toss, and he almost gets another wicket from one, the fielder yet again rolls onto it with his nuts.

The SS boys are going to be sore if this is their standard fielding technique.

Stewart hits another six, Pollard must feel aggrieved as it was one of his few balls to hit the surface.

Pollard is a freak though, he was called for a no ball, and hell the ball in his hand, that is amazing.

Bowlers who can do that should become the captain's pet.

3/75 13 overs

This Dave guy has a weird technique, I can't really explain it well, but its odd, trust me.

Stewart pinched that one off the island.

Stuffed up a good voer by Dave, and Stewart follows it up with a beautifully ugly slog.

3/63 12 overs

Stanford has the common touch, as he tries to molest a mans flag when the man doesn't swing it enough.

Then he walks around and shakes hands like a dullard politician.


I think he just kissed a baby, and now he is telling her how pretty she is, this is excruciating and hilarious at the same time, Pommie and Nasser are letting the orange shirted man have his time in awestruck silence.

He has such a awkward manner with people.

Patty Hearst is killing TnT's run rate here.

3/59 11 overs

Dave Mohammed is on, great first/last name combination.

Dave bowls that one very well.

Spinners are the ones on this surface.

I do hope Swann plays and buys a pink car, even a pink prius would be great.

3/56 10 overs

The SS bowling must be weak seeing that Pollard is on.


Pollard bowls a full toss, Ganga tries to play it straight, always a mistake with full tosses, and picks out long on.

He amde 13.

Navin Stewart is in, may have been sent in as a pinch hitter.

2/52 9 overs

Ganga is scoring singles easy enough.

Patty tries reverse sweep and ends up with an unsuccessful appeal for Benn.

Benn bowls a corker.

A glitch in the appeal system is there. At anytime the 3rd umpire can use technology and say a dismissal is out, even when a batsmen is out.

However, If Benn's appeal was out, but given not out, the 3rd umpire wouldn't have time to overturn it by the time Benn comes in for the next ball.

And I'm over half way into a bottle of bourbon.

2/47 8 overs

Pollard is on, starts with a very slow wide.

His balls are not bouncing at all, until the third one where Pollard bends his back, good to see his as just as lazy when he bowls as when he bats.

The crowd sound effects CD has been turned off.

I like this Patty kid, but he is 11 from 22, he needs to step up.

He gets a two off the last one, that is something.

Bumble likes the gym, that is Bumble's second mention of the gym, perhaps he got a free massage.

Happy ending?

2/43 7 overs

Benn is bowling well, and 6 foot 15, he is hard to get away.

He bowled a few over 100 Ks.

Run rate over 8 an over now.

Dave says, "Will there be a drinking game for the 20/20 for 20?"

There may be a drinking game for it, but there won't be a OBO, or QBQ for it.

It will include a drink for everytime some praises the conditions, and down your drink everytime Stanford is shown wearing an orange shirt. .

2/39 6 overs

Where did all the bounce come from, Powell is flying through and bowling slower than rampaul.

Patty has a nice technique, i like him.

lots of excuses for the poor fielding, including one Bumble and I found funny, the white ball drops qcuiker than a read one, how long have they been using a white ball for?

Powell bowls a good one.

2/34 5 overs

Sulimenn Benn is on, he is great he is, he tried to trip Brad Haddin.


3rd ball he uproots the stump, with are obviously spring loaded if a left arm orthy can do that.

Perkins is out, this will test TnT from here.

Darren ganga in now, he captained well, lets see how he goes, his batting is not suited to band and/or crash.

Very good first over Benn, alas, no trippings.

Smithy says, "Is it halloween already, have you seen some of the costumes?" npot a bad call, there is some weird facial masks out there.

1/30 4 overs

The SS bowlers are getting alot more bounce, the keeper, whatever his name is, just had one go through his gloves due to the bounce.

Perkins smashes Powell through covers, he has taken control and TnT look much better now, especially as Dowlin drops him.

Another pull shot, and Dowlin almost rolls his groin directly over it.

Cozier loves this Patty Guillen kid, cannot stop mentioning his whole family history.

A more cynical person may say he is talking u the white kid.

Not me though.

1/25 3 overs

Curtly's hair is simply exquisite.

Hopefully I am calling it correctly, a dreadlocked mo hawk.

4 leg byes.

The great Wes Hall is their as well, 2 out of 3 of my all time favourite quickies. And since the Demon Fred Spofforth is dead, there is little chance of him being there.

Perkins gets a short one and dispatches it over midwicket nicely.

Patty gets away a four as well, looks like he is a real batsmen.

Ceci says. "Nas is really doing the Stanford PR job isn't he - constantly rabbiting on about the money, praising the ground, the dancers, the entertainment..."

Nasser is winning the brown nose award, but probably only because Pommie hasn't been on the air much.

1/10 2 overs

Powell at the other end, so at least some of the first stringers turned up.

Four from the first ball.

Have i mentioned Patty Hearst (Guillen) is white?

And where is Brendan Nash?

Patty edges and it falls short of second.

TnT look much more nervy with the bat than they did with the ball.

The bats are just dipped in paint, it looks so shit house, and is so lofi.

Patty hit a couple of goodlooking drives, but straight to fielders.

1/4 1 over

William Perkins and Lendl Simmons are facing up to jerome taylor.

Taylor is at 95 miles 150 odd ks, can't be right can it?


Simmons gets a cracker from Taylor, and is cuaght behind nit a good start for TnT.

Justin Guillen, known as Patty Hearst, is in, and taylor bolws a quick bouncer to finish the over and scare him.

Great start for the SS.

See what i did there, you see its the stanford superstars.

Yeah, SS.

Ceci says, "I love Simon Taufel, nearly as much as I love Harmy, but I do not think purple is his colour - and why do I get the feeling that all the spectators are in fact employees of Stanford?" Why indeed...

TnT did well, but i think 146 might end up being enough.

For the break you can watch an Australian stunt legend.

5/146 20 overs

Stutter stepping Cooper is on.

First ball is a play and miss.

Next one is a swipe for si over mid wicket.

And then another play and miss.

Single squeezed.

Joseph back on strike.

Slice over point for 2.

Great last shot, charged down the wicket and flicks it to fine leg for four.

45 off 31 for Jospeh, played very well.

5/133 19 overs

Stewart back on to finish at this end.


Stewart drops short, and Pollard absolutely fucken smacks the shit out of it with a pull shot into the swimming pool.


Great camera work to pick up the splash.

Now i know why he never worries about running.


Stewart gets his length wrong again, but Pollard misses it and is bowled.

Lindon James in.

24 off 14 to Pollard, he is value for money to watch.


Another bad length ball but James misses it and is bowled for 2.

Stewart has bowled an extremely lucky over.

Dave Mohammed is in.

2/11 off that over.

3/122 18 overs

Joseph hits Sherwin Ganga onto a roof.

Pollard gets pad or bat down the legside, Ramdin takes it down well, and Steve Davis is talking to Rudi, its all so exciting.

This is what we at CWB call Sodomized down the legside, and we think all of them should be not out.

Not out.

That took forever. Nasser disagrees.

With all that waiting Pollard loses all of his composure and slogs straigh to mid on and the 3rd drop happens.

Rampaul almost head butts it.

4 byes to finish with, i think.

3/110 17 overs

Pollard has abandoned technique.

Running still not his thing.

Pollard finally plays a real shot, and smacks it back over Bachan's head, for four.

10 off that.

Need at least that for the next 3.

3/100 16 overs

Ravi rampaul is back, ganga can captain, he is going for another wicket.

TnT need a direct hit, but nada, Pollard looks uninterested in running.

He squeezes a slap off his pads for four, see no running.

Outfield is slow, a couple have been slapped and have just stopped dead, Tony agrees with me.

Anything over 140 could work for Stanford.

Rampaul ends up with 0/16, top effort.

3/93 15 overs

Bachan, the lefty ortho switches end.


Dowlin slogs out for 35 off 37. Straight up in the air.

Kieron Pollard is in, he was talked up as a huge hitter against Australia, but i don't think he hit any.

And he starts off by trying to run out Joseph.

Rudi says not out, and takes forever to do so on a fairly straight forward one.

Very good over for TnT.

2/89 14 overs

Cooper, a medium pacer, is on.

Oh my, he has a stutter step in his run up, its a fucken moonwalk actually.

How does he get to the crease?

He is an actual skeleton as well.

Very good over for the stutter moon walking one, full and straight, just how Tony likes it.

2/84 13 overs

Sherwin Ganga, an offie, is on.

He gets a top edge out to backward sqaure leg, abut another drop from poor fielding, even though the commentators keep takling about the great fielding.

It sounds like the commentators are coming out of the PA.

Big slog off the last ball of the over, Jospeh heaves it for 6, 12 off that.

Smithy says "You haven't mentioned the stripe on the pads yet."

No, but you have.

2/71 12 overs

Bachan bowls a much better over, but in 2020 cricket that doesn't mean much, and he gets put into a tent.

Dowlin is up to 29, and got warned for running on the pitch.

The umpires have Ron Jeremy Purple shirts on.

2/60 11 overs

TnT are right in this, shame they dropped that catch.

Pommie is commentating, why am I surprised.

The pitch does look tough to score on, timing is hardcore at the moment.

I say that as Dowlin plays the ugliest shot i have seen in a long time, a cover drive almost off the back foot calypso style if you will that goes over the bowlers head.

Sylvestor Joseph is the new batsmen, sorry, but it was a hattrick over and the bourbon is catching up to me.

Runrate slowly improving, but the batting doesn't look too good from here.

Not many actual superstars in there.

2/50 10 overs

Rishi Bachan is on, left arm orthodox.

Has a silly point, ganga has nuts.

Less spin than the leggie so far, bowls a short one and is crunched over deep midwicket where Patty hearst dives over it.

Dowlin is slowly moving in to his innings, lucky this isn't a 2020.

9 off it.

2/41 9 overs

This over isn't as exciting, no leggies.

Stewart looks quick enough, and hasn't given any real bad balls to them.


Perkins drops Dowlin at mid off, should have been taken, perhaps his blingy chain got in his way.

2/37 8 overs

Badree will finish up his 4.

He has done very well.


And with that he beats Fletcher in flight had has him caught at deep mid on.

Fletcher our for 25, Sarwan in.

Was a blatant slog, but was still bowled quite well.


Clean bowled with a straight one first nut, Sarwan was nowhere near it, and my man Badree is on fire.


There is a silly mid off, and he bowls a wide down the leg, like me on most of my hattrick.

Last ball he almost gets another one when he leaves a wrongun and the keeper squeals rather than taking it.

0/33 7 overs

A first gamer by the name of Navin Stewart.

First ball he gets a ball chipped back over his head and does a weird clapping jump thing to show he would have caught it had he been within 3 foot of it.

The pitch is low and skiddy, i know this because it's obvious and because it has been mentioned 67 times already.

Fletcher looks good, i think he did alright against Australia this year, he flicked a ball beautifully behind square for four.

16 off the last two, if they keep Lfetcher up the right end this could be good.

0/25 6 overs

Stanford is wearing a subtle orange shirt.

First six to Fletcher, he uses his feet well to badree the leggie and puts it back over his head.

Stanford need a ten plus over now, this should be a bowling change.

0/17 5 overs

Ganga is miced up, and was asked id he could hear anything to which he replied i can't hear anything.

Brilliant, the whole ground heard it as it appeared to be broadcast from the ground speakers.

The black bats look dirty with the white marks on them, perhaps the umpires should have clothes on them since they aren't really umpiring this match.

Rampaul has let 9 runs off 3 overs, great effort.

The Stanford mob better get their fingers out.

0/13 4 overs

The leggie is doing a good job, why did Bryce never do this for Victoria?

He even appealed for an LB when the batsmen charged down the wicket at him, a true leggie.

Anon said "These uniforms are very demur, the opposite to the ICL."

Good point.

0/11 3 overs

Rampaul looks proper impressive. According to Cozier he is quick and sharp.

How is rampaul not playing for the Windies.

Guillen, a 12 year old playing for TnT, is a former kidknap victim, remind me to call him Patty Hearst later on.

Not much goes on in the over, except a swipe for two at the end of the over.

0/8 2 overs

Samuel Badree is opening for TnT from the other end, HE IS A LEGGIE, awesome.

Hope it goes better for me than it ever did for me.

He is bowling Afridi type deliveries, but they are straightening.

By the way Andre Fletcher and Travis Dowlin are opening up for Stanford.

They are saying he isn't runing them, but he is, dickheads.

He finishes up with one short one and FLetcher cracks it behind point.

0/2 1 over

Ravi Rampaul to bowl the first over, they seem to be wearing flares.

Chris Gayle was caught smiling again, did anyone check this sotry before it was aired?

Cozier in the box, and Bumble, awesome.

The speedo can't be right, this guy just clocked 88 miles 143 k's, actually he might be, he looks impressive, 3 balls in.

Black bats look stupid, just a thought.

This guy looks like he can bowl, he cut that back a mile and this pitch has been rolled for 40 hours straight, by a disabled altar boy*.

*Possibly not true.

Very good first over for TnT.


TnT have come out in their training tops, what a mistake, no sorry, that is their uniform, as the Stanford XI are weiring a similar kit.


TnT have a player named Sherwin Ganga, it's like he is a mutant version of two ordinary West Indian openers.


Not saying anyone is lying, but there was just a shot of Chris Gayle smiling with ex champions of West Indian Cricket, including Ambrose with the best hair style ever.


Mike Haysman is there, lucky us, Darren Ganga, T&T's skipper wins the toss and bowls. Apparently the entire world is watching this game, does that make my QBQ redundant?

Haysman asks about why Gayle is out, and then Sylvester Jospeh's answer makes him a little uncomfortable, he moves on with panache.


Ian Ward starts off the broadcast, not really 20 million worth now is it.

Allot and Ward have discussed all the facilities at the ground, with all the grace and skill of a used car salesman.

Stanford must be ecstatic, gayle and Shiv are out, Gayle for personal family problems , he has a family?

Game hasn't come on the telly yet, it's Trinidad Vs the Stanford Realtors of Texas XI.

Goodnews is it looks like my down load of razorback, is flying through.

For those who don't know, 'Razorback' is a film about a wild boar who attacks people in the outback, a classic of exploitation i haven't seen since i was a little boy, but i just saw 'Not Quite Hollywood' which is all about Ozploitation and i thought Razorback would be an awesome halloween We constantly get sodomized down the legside

surf this

The good people over at holding willey asked me to bring back 3 players from the dead.

Not in a satanic way.

The three players probably won't surprise that many long term readers.

And over at TWC I wrote a piece i called "Is Tendulkar the most overrated batsmen since Bradman".

I thought maybe they needed more We constantly get sodomized down the legside

The Gregorys - Chapter Two

Dave Gregory

The birth of Edward and Mary Gregory’s third son in 1845 occurred at a time of considerable change for the colony of New South Wales. Sir George Gipps was nearing the end of his eight years as governor, with public criticism and opposition to his land and education policies leading to his replacement by Sir Charles FitzRoy. Australia’s main cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide were scattered ports that relied largely on sea-borne communication. There were no operative passenger railways and no telegraph system. Each of the colonies were keen to maintain its independence, it being clear that a British push for federation would fail. The schism between the colonies was such that the press in each centre actively promoted the separation of the colonies, primarily away from the control of the Governor residing in Sydney.

In spite of these differences, the various colonies were about to enter a period of prosperity. The 1840s was a period of depression with a severe drought and financial downturn, but the discovery of gold and the changing face of industrialization meant that Sydney and Melbourne began a period of prosperity. This change in the fortunes of the colonies, associated with the large-scale immigration of gold hunters, provided the perfect stimulus for the development of inter-colony cricket matches. The timing of this change was ideal for children of Edward Gregory, providing opportunities for them that their father’s generation never had.

David William Gregory was born on the 15th of April, 1845 in Fairy Meadow, near Wollongong, eighty kilometres south of Sydney. He was the seventh child of Edward and Mary and lived his early life at the Government School House in Wollongong. Dave led a normal childhood for the age, with games of cricket with his brothers a standard part of his upbringing. His father, Edward’s, enthusiasm for the game ensured that Dave and all his siblings, both male and female, were instructed in the basics of the game.

Dave’s early years included education at firstly at Mr McDonald’s Private School at Underwood’s Paddock in Paddington, and then at the St James Church of England School in Sydney. The Governor of the Colony, Sir William Dennison, presented medals for meritorious conduct to pupils at the school, and during the presentation ceremony, he informed the male students that if they were able to gain good results in their studies, a job would be made available for them. The fifteen year old Dave Gregory listened to the speech carefully, and took the Governor at his word. After he received a medal for meritorious conduct in 1860, he went to government house and informed the Governor that “I’ve come about that job, sir”. His audacity was rewarded with a place as a probationer in the Auditor-General Department, starting in January 1861, and he was appointed as a Clerk in May. Dave moved to Paddington in Sydney, living initially with his brother Ned.

Dave’s cricket career began in the 1860s playing in the Domain with his brothers. The Governor of the time, Sir William Denison, along with two other cricket enthusiasts, William Tunks and Al Park, had all donated five pounds each in order to develop a pitch suitable for play. This was achieved with hard work, shovels and a spirit level to ensure its flatness. Dave played games along with his brothers Ned, Walter, Charlie and Arthur for the National Club against other teams of the time, such as the Currency Lass Hotel, which was composed of Australian-born players, or varying teams of regimental cricketers. He made his debut in Sydney cricket for the National Club as a 17 year old in November 1862. He struggled to make an impression over the next few years, and had dropped back to the National’s second XI by 1865.

Dave Gregory was very fortunate in that he had received regular coaching from his father Edward early on in his life. This instilled in him the basics of the game and held him in good stead throughout his career. As Dave grew up and progressed in the game, he attracted the attention of, and received ongoing instruction from, English player William Caffyn who was residing in Sydney at the time. Billy Caffyn was to play an integral role in the development of the standard of play in Australia and was instrumental in the progress of Dave’s cricketing career.

Caffyn was a professional cricketer, who had trained as a barber in England. He had a long professional career, playing for Surrey from 1849 to 1863. He toured Australia twice with English sides, initially with H.H. Stephenson’s team in 1861/62. Caffyn was a very fine batsmen, leading the English player’s batting averages on the 1861/62 tour with 419 runs at 23.27, and he also opened the bowling for the team with his round-arm deliveries. He returned with George Parr’s team in 1863/64, the only player from Stephenson’s side who was selected to come back again for the second tour. Photographs of Caffyn show him batting with only the one glove, located on his bottom, right hand.

Caffyn was attracted to stay in Australia at the conclusion of the Parr tour, through an offer to coach with the Melbourne Cricket Club. The sum on money that Caffyn was offered was three hundred pounds per annum, a very substantial amount for the time. Caffyn stayed in Victoria for the next year, but he was persuaded to move to Sydney for the 1865/66 season, with the lure of a hairdresser’s shop the incentive. The Melbourne Cricket Club were very considerate, allowing him out of his three year contract. He maintained this shop for the next six years in conjunction with his wife, until her ongoing ill-health necessitated their return to England in 1871. Caffyn had hoped that a move to Tasmania may have assisted his wife’s health, but a letter to the Hobart Cricket Association in 1869 was met with a flat rejection from their secretary.

As a coach, Caffyn never tried to make two players alike, allowing them to develop their skills naturally. This was in contrast to the other major coach in Australia at the time, another English professional Charles Lawrence, who encouraged all of his protégés to play back whenever possible. The efforts of Caffyn and Lawrence were largely responsible for closing the vast divide in cricketing ability that existed in the mid 1860s between Australia and the mother country. Lawrence is best remembered now for his organization of the first ever Australian team to tour England, the Aboriginal side of 1868, but he was also an outstanding player and coach in Victorian cricket.

By the age of twenty, Dave Gregory had developed into a very physically impressive individual. He stood six foot two inches tall (187cms), and weighed fourteen stone and four pounds (90.7kgs). His height was emphasised further by his straight back and upright bearing. In spite of this though, the most noticeable feature of Dave Gregory’s physical appearance was his magnificent beard. This aspect of his appearance no doubt took a few years to develop, but his whiskers became famous around the country and were as much his calling card as the facial hair that has adorned modern players such as Dennis Lillee and Merv Hughes.

Like his father Edward, Dave played for the Australian Club in Sydney. He was a natural right hander with both bat and ball, and whilst he was primarily a round-arm bowler in his early days, his batting was starting to develop under the guidance of William Caffyn. He worked hard on his game, and only a year after he had been dropped back the National’s second XI, Dave was selected to play his first game for NSW against Victoria. This match took place on his home ground of the Domain, and was a timeless match starting on the 26th of December, 1866. It took place a decade after the first ever inter-colony game between New South Wales and Victoria.

New South Wales captain Charles Lawrence won the toss and opted to send the Victorian team in. Dave bowled the first ball of the game to J.B. Turner, and one hundred minutes later the Victorian innings was over with only 74 runs on the board. Dave’s inaugural wicket in first class wicket was John Conway, the Victorian number three, caught by Lawrence. He finished with 3 for 36, whilst his fellow opening bowler Nathaniel Thomson took 3 for 33. They were the only two bowlers required in the innings, with the other four wickets all falling to run outs.

New South Wales had managed a lead of 19 runs at stumps on the first day, with six wickets still in hand. Dave batted at number eleven in the New South Wales innings, and Conway extracted his revenge by bowling him for a duck. New South Wales scored 145, with Dave’s mentor Caffyn top scoring with 24. Victoria went back in a second time, and performed even worse than in the first innings. Dave took 4 for 31, including both openers for only 2 runs, and Victoria were all out for 58. New South Wales had won by an innings and 13 runs, and with a total of eight thousand spectators watching, the timeless match had finished inside two days.

The Australian Club folded completely in September of 1867. Dave, along with his brothers, joined the Warwicks Club which immediately became the strongest team in Sydney. His reasons for joining Warwicks can only be guessed at, but the presence of William Caffyn at Warwicks was probably one of the major motivations. It was undoubtedly a good move for his batting, as the continuing assistance of Caffyn saw an ongoing improvement in Dave’s batting statistics. Dave moved up the order with Warwicks to start opening the batting. These changes were to show immediate benefit, with Dave and Charles Oliver combining for an opening partnership of 155 against the strong Alberts Club in his first season.

In the 1860s there were only spasmodic inter-colonial games, and it was therefore twelve months between Dave’s initial and second match. This was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and was another timeless match that started on Boxing Day 1867. Lawrence again won the toss and asked Victoria to bat, but this time round the tactic was not as successful. Victoria totalled 252, with Dave bowling ten wicketless overs for thirty four runs. New South Wales reply commenced at the beginning of day two, and they were bowled out for only 158. Whilst Dave’s improved batting had seen him promoted from number eleven to number nine, the result was unfortunately the same, and he was dismissed by Tom Wills for a duck. New South Wales were asked to follow on, and whilst Dave was demoted to number eleven again, he finally managed to get his initial runs, remaining 2 not out in his side’s score of 173. Victoria were left with only 82 to win, a score they achieved with the loss of only three wickets, with Dave again went wicketless.

Whilst Dave’s cricket was intermittent for both Warwicks and New South Wales through the mid to late 1860s, his rise through the Auditor-General Department had started in earnest. His abilities as a clerk and his manner of dealing with both other employees and the public had brought him attention within the Auditor-General Department, and he was promoted to oversee the performance of other public servants within the department. His physical appearance was also gaining him attention, being known by many women around Sydney as “handsome Dave”. Photos of Dave show his facial hair to great effect, but they also reveal a stern expression. It would be easy to use this type of photograph now as an illustration of Dave’s strict nature and sober demeanor, but the technology of the day demanded a rigid expression be maintained for a prolonged period of time, and as such, all pictures tended to have a similar degree of seriousness.

The photos could not hide the glean in his brown eyes that hinted at the genial and fun loving personality that family members and friends said existed under a serious exterior. He was twenty two when he married Mary Ann Hitchings in the Paddington Church of England in 1867. This union was to produce them eleven children over the following twenty years. Their first child Sydney was born in 1869, and he was followed by Herbert (1871), Percy (1873), Albert (1875), Emmeline (1876), Leslie (1877), Coralie (1880), Arthur (1881), Pearl (1883), Alfred (1885) and Ruby (1887).

Dave’s next inter-colonial game took place at the Domain and was scheduled to last from the 4th to 6th of March, 1869. While Dave was picked primarily as a bowler, his improved batting performances for Warwicks had been noticed and he moved up to no. 7 in the New South Wales batting order. The home team batted first yet again, and Dave opened the bowling, taking one for ten off ten overs. Victoria collapsed dismally, only making sixty one. New South Wales responded to that with an impressive total of thirty seven all out. Dave second top scored from his place in the middle order, a feat less impressive than it appears as his innings was only 9.

Nonetheless, his batting must have been sufficiently impressive on this occasion to encourage his captain Joseph Coates to promote him to open the batting for New South Wales for the first time in their second innings. New South Wales were chasing 173 for victory, after dismissing Victory for 149. Dave had taken 4 for 34, and he then second top scored for the second time in the game. Once again it was not nearly enough, with Victoria winning by seventy eight runs. New South Wales were dismissed for under one hundred again, and Dave only managed 15 out of the team total of 95.

Dave’s next game for his state occurred nearly a year later on the 24 February, 1870. Throughout the first half of the game Dave’s performances were not impressive. He bowled only six wicketless overs in Victoria’s first innings of 181, and then scored 14 in New South Wales reply of 164. When Victoria batted again they managed the good total of 337, but New South Wales’ star was Dave Gregory who toiled away for almost twice as many overs as any other bowler. He took his first five wicket haul for fifty five runs off nearly forty four ball overs. Interestingly all five of his victims were bowled. New South Wales captain Charles Lawrence promoted Dave up the order to number three in the second innings, but the move failed with him being bowled for only 2. Victoria continued their dominance over New South Wales, winning by 265 runs.

Dave’s batting had continued to improve with the guidance and continuing instruction of William Caffyn and New South Wales captain Charles Lawrence. This betterment is reflected in his ever improving record with his club side in Sydney. His bowling was still very effective in 1871, with Dave winning the club averages with the impressive figure of 3.35 runs per wicket. In 1872 he again won the bowling averages with a slightly higher figure of 4.14 runs per wicket, but he also headed up the batting, averaging 25 runs an innings. He proved that this wasn’t a fluke by again winning the batting trophies in 1873.

In the match starting on the 9 March 1871, Dave showed his increasing abilities as an allrounder being selected to open both the batting and the bowling for New South Wales. The game was at the Albert Cricket Ground and whilst his team was at the wrong end of the score card four days later by 48 runs, Dave could be well satisfied with his first score of over fifty. His score of 51 helped New South Wales to a lead on the first innings, but the team collapsed second time round for only 84, with Dave’s contribution being 10.

In the game against Victoria commencing on the 30 March, 1872, Dave was selected to bat at number three and also open the bowling. Once again Victoria were the champions, this time to the tune of an innings and 26 runs. Dave had a less than successful game with scores of 11 and 7, and twenty two wicketless overs. Up to this point, the Melbourne Cricket Ground was a very unhappy place for Dave, with New South Wales losing every game played there. This was remedied in Dave’s next first class game on 26 December 1872, when he was selected to play against Victoria at the MCG for the Rest of Australia. The Rest was a combined side composed of eight players from New South Wales, three from South Australia and two from Tasmania. This composite team managed to provide Dave with his first win over Victoria since his initial first class game six years earlier, with victory coming by five wickets. The transition of Dave from a bowler to a batsman was becoming clearer; whilst he opened the batting in both innings for the Rest he only bowled a total of three overs out of the nearly two hundred bowled by the Rest in the game. Part of the reason for his reduction in bowling related to Dave being no-balled for throwing in the first innings by umpire George Curtis. Some of the gloss of the victory was removed as it was a game against the odds, with the Rest playing with thirteen against Victoria’s eleven. In spite of this discrepancy in numbers between the two teams, the game has been granted official first class status.

In 1873, W.G. Grace led a team of English players on a tour of Australia. All of the games in this tour were against the odds, and Dave Gregory played games against Grace’s team for the Eighteen of New South Wales and for a Combined Fifteen of New South Wales and Victoria. Dave’s performances with the bat led the Eighteen to a famous victory by eight wickets, with him top scoring for the match. His performances were not so noteworthy for the 15, and they collapsed to lose to Grace’s side by 218 runs. Dave, taught by his father to be a keen observer of the game, took notice of the tactics and techniques of English players, and in particular their fielding positions. This habit was one that would serve him well in the years to come.

Dave found himself at the middle of a dispute between two clubs regarding the use of the Military and Civil Ground which would later become the Sydney Cricket Ground. Dave was playing with the newly formed East Sydney Cricket Club, which had free use of the Military and Civil Ground. Another new club, the Civil Service Club asked Dave to join them as he was a civil servant, but he declined and remained with the East Sydney Club. The Civil Service Club used their influence within the government, and they gained the use of the Military and Civil Ground at the expense of the East Sydney Club. This caused a considerable amount of bad feeling, and it was perhaps ironic that the first team the Civil Service played in the 1874/75 season was East Sydney. Dave top-scored for East Sydney with a half century, and their total of 219 proved far too much for the Civil Service side, which could only score 59 and 44. The Sydney Mail’s comment at the time that “the Civil Service Club came in like a lion, and, if present appearances be any criterion, will probably retire lamb-like” proved remarkable accurate, with the Civil Service Club folding at the end of the season. Dave’s decision to remain loyal had been vindicated.

Over the next four years, Dave’s bowling at a first class level ceased almost completely. He played four first class games against Victoria over this period, bowling only in one of them. His batting continued to improve and he was recognised primarily as a stubborn and somewhat stodgy opening batsman, but one who could hit out strongly on occasions. His improved technique, still being honed with the assistance of fellow players such as Charles Bannerman, resulted in an excellent double in NSW victory over Victoria that started on the 25th of February, 1876. He scored 36 out of New South Wales’ total of 99; a score that was put into perspective by Victoria’s reply of only 37. Dave then drove New South Wales’ advantage home, by scoring his highest first class score of 74 in the second innings. Victoria’s reply of just 95 left New South Wales as convincing winners, with Dave’s contribution with the bat central to their victory.

Dave was selected to open the batting for New South Wales against a team of English tourists under the captaincy of J Lillywhite at the Albert Ground in a two day game starting on the 15 January, 1877. This game followed his participation in two unexpected wins against Lillywhite’s team, but both games were played against the odds. This match was on an even basis, and the English side regained a considerable amount of pride, even though the game ended in a draw. Lillywhite’s XI made 270 following the New South Wales captain Ted Evans choosing to field first. Dave failed in the first innings with only 3, and New South Wales could only total 82. New South Wales had to follow-on, and when time ran out they were 6 for 140 and still well short of avoiding an innings loss. Once again emphasizing Dave’s emergence as a batsman, he held together the New South Wales response through a patient and undefeated 53.

At the conclusion of this game, Dave had played a total of 12 first class games. He had accumulated the first class batting figures of 331 runs at an average of 15.76 with only three half centuries and a highest score of 74. Even taking into account the significantly lower batting performances of the age, his statistics did not compare well against other players. Dave’s bowling figures were more acceptable, having taken 21 wickets at the average of 16.19 with best figures of 5 for 55. The problem was that his bowling had become less penetrative in the previous few years, and there was still a nagging suspicion about the legitimacy of his action. Dave had never captained New South Wales, and yet the cricketing moment that would lead to his ongoing place in history was about to happen. He was named as the captain of the combined New South Wales and Victorian cricket team to take on the English XI in the game that was to be recognised as the inaugural Test match.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Shane Watson explains why no one likes him

“I'm off drinking while playing and training so I'm giving myself every chance I possibly can to be right throughout this big workload especially,"

It’s like he is poking Australian fans with a stick.

Thought I was overrated?

Thought I was a wanker?

Thought I was a metro sexual man far removed from standard Australian culture?

Thought I was sculptured like a gay pin up?

Well now I’m a tea totaller you bogan fat headed fucken uncouth cunts.

Take that.

Call me a poof all you want.

I am Shane Watson, and alcohol saved my life.

Watson has clearly has never had a publicist, has been in ‘career’ best form since giving up the booze.

And who did he get the spot from, Roy, one of the few black men ever to embraced into Australia’s loving bosom, and a drunkard.

Cricket Australia has clearly made their decisions recently based on alcohol consumption.

Shaun Marsh quits drinking, in the team.

Shane Watson, ditto.

Roy drinks and is out.

Is Australia really ready for a tea totalling X! to represent them?

Douggie Walters would be turning in his grave.

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Bushrangers take on pink men

The Champions league thingy is just around the corner.

Near the tube I guess.

And I was feeling a little under whelmed about it.

But now I am fully whelmed.

Victoria has drawn Middlesex in the opening rounds.

The Champions league thingy is just around the corner.

Near the tube I guess.

And I was feeling a little under whelmed about it.

But now I am fully whelmed.

Victoria has drawn Middlesex in the opening rounds.

That’s right kiddies, Dirty Dirk up against the men in pink.

Ben Scott facing the thunderbolts.

Tim Murtagh dodging the verbal bullets.

And Shaun Udal looking old.

This should be great.

Dirty Dirk must be dribbling blood in anticipation.

Victoria also play Pretoria, and Chennai.

But Dirty Dirk never played for them.

This is like the Stanford series, except with players and teams that people really like.

I am not sure if Victoria or Victoria A (Rajasthan) is ranked best domestic 2020 side in the world, but i think they are one, two.

Middlesex is way below that, and wouldn't have won the 2020 championship if not fir Dirty Dirk.

And everyone knows this.

I heard a whisper one that Dirk wheres around a t shirt that says "I saved the pink me".

But i have never seen any evidence of this.

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Brad Hdoge becomes highest scoring Vic of all time

Brad Hodge has moved past Deano on the all time scoring record for Victoria.

I wrote about it here.

And Paul Reiffel was so excited he was elevated to International TV umpire status.

If Reiffel ever does become an International umpire, his mosrt major mistake should be reported as "Pistol shoots and misses" We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Monty gets a prophet

The best thing ever has happened to Monty Panesar.

No it’s not getting laid.

No it’s not finding Godzilla 1985 on dvd.

No it’s not getting to be Salma Hayek’s jeans for a day.

The great one, Mushie, is going to coach him.

Mushie fresh from his isolation in Sussex is keen to see the world again, and he has decided to make Monty his protégé.

That means Monty will get an arm twirl.

Cool facial hair.

A tubbier frame.

Actual mystery.

And most important of all, a cheeky sense of humour.

So far the only cool thing about Monty is, well, um.

OK at the moment there is nothing cool about Monty.

But Mushie will fix that.

Mushie can fix everything.

Mushie can.

Who can take a spinner
Sprinkle it in dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a googly or two?

The mushieieman
The mushieman can
The mushieman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world spin good

Who can take a jaffa
Wrap it is a sigh
Soak it in the sun
and make it invisible to the eye?

The mushieman?

The mushieman
The mushieman can
The mushieman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world spin good

Little Mushie turns
Everything he yearns
Satisfying and delicious
Talk about your childhood wishes
An Angel with arm swishes

Who can take tomorrow
Beat it with a gem
Seperate the sorrow
With the grace of a femme

The mushieman

Little Mushie can

The mushieman can cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world spin good
And the world spins good cause the mushieman thinks it should

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

hard to find a man

Australia hadn’t played a test when Byrce McGain was sent home.

Phab Phil Jaques was sent home without any real fanfare.

And now The Perfect Boyfriend, Jacob Oram, the key to New Zealand’s test win is going home.

Add in Stuart Clark’s elbow and the fact Chris Martin, everyone’s favourite guy who looks like a date rapist but is a swell fella, didn’t even make the trip.

Are White players this afraid of Darker nations that they will purposefully injure themselves.


Oram’s injury is his lower back, this would imply that he bent it, we know better.

Jaques injury was his back, this was from imitating the Krab Katich in the nets.

Shaun Marsh has been sent over to replace Jaques.

New Zealand would love to have a player of Shaun Marsh’s calibre as a replacement.

They would love to have a player of his calibre.

They would love to have a player available to send over of any calibre.

They would love players.

They would love a population.

Things have got desperate.

New Zealand has put up an ad in the Wellington Daily Gazette Mail.

Country seeking international cricketer:

The ideal player is someone who cares about others, is able to start things off slowly and defer to Brendan for photo shoots.

Must be: prepared to wear whites, have a knowledge of cricket, looking for a long term commitment, still considers themselves kiwi or willing to pretend or do the accent from time to time, submit to a physical by Ian Smith, likes flight of the conchords, BBM accepted, GSOH and must like Water sports.

Must not be: cops, better than Brendan, not be signed to rebel leagues or English leagues on contracts that can’t be broken, a Marhsall.

Turn ons: draws, one dayers, South African professionals, spinners who become batsmen, the IPL, and glasses.

Turn offs: 4 or 5 test series, specialist openers, anyone too quick, wrist spinners batsmen who show off with averages over 45.

We've been hurt before so we want to be sure that I'm completely ready and totally trust a person before we get too involved. We are also looking for someone who likes to travel, but mostly to the white safe countries.

Uniform provided, coach is not.

So far they have received 214 applications, all from M Sinclair.

The search continues.

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comments UP again

The comment section did die for a while.

Thank you for your emails, but it is up again.

To placate you, here is a link to a South African blog.

True We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Dirty Dirk destorys the New Texas bulls

Need more proof of the raw brutality fo the Dirty Dirkster.

Go here.

Unless you are a Queenslander, you may want to skip We constantly get sodomized down the legside

Tait's brain a national treasure

What it must be like to be in Shaun Tait’s head.

Look there is a topless female clown performing in a rodeo.

Is that a dwarf dressed as Hitler?

Spiders licking ants.

And a space ship made out of ice cream.

We are never quite sure what Tait is going to say next, which must be a bit like facing him.

Not two weeks ago he said he wasn’t really thinking about playing tests.

One dayers were more his things.

Then he destroys NSWales with reverse swing in a one dayer, not for the first time, and he wants to play test cricket again.

That is what it is like being Shaun Tait.

When he learnt to ride his bike, his parents asked him what he wanted to do now, he said, “shoot dragons in space”.

There are no dragons in space Shuan, and you aint going to India, even if you and Shane Harwood are the only two Australians who understand reverse swing.

The selectors just aren’t going to do it.

What if they fly you all the way over, and you arrive and decide to become a snake handler.

It’s too risky.

Why don’t you stay at home, and continue your therapy and wickets, and when the Hitler dwarfs and topless female rodeo clowns stop appearing in your brain, we’ll call ya.

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Cracks in the Aussie machine, at last?

The cricketing world have been waiting 13 years for cracks in the Aussie machine to emerge. But, having suffered a humiliating thrashing by India in the second Test, real weaknesses can finally be detected.

Most fundamentally, Shane Warne and Stuart MacGill have proved impossible to replace, especially given the injury to Bryce McGain. Cameron White is a fine cricketer, but he is a batting allrounder playing at eight: as near as Australia come to a 'bits n' pieces' man, he has taken three wickets in two Tests and has a top score of 18.

Indeed, the bowling attack currently does not look able to take 20 wickets in India conditions. Brett Lee, so exceptional since the 2005 Ashes, has been too wayward, and must step up to the plate. Mitchell Johnson has, however, risen admirably to the challenge. But an attack consiting of three quicks who had never played a Test in India, and two batting allrounders - White and Shane Watson - was always going to struggle.

The batting remains powerful, though a little less so than in recent years. Matthew Hayden, with 42 runs in four innings, is fighting against the ageing process, though people said the same after his poor 2005 Ashes. Shane Watson has the ability to make a fine Test allrounder at number six, though Australia clearly miss the multifarious talents of Andrew Symonds, axed for ill-discipline. And Brad Haddin has not yet scored a Test fifty in five games, while he is leaking more byes than Australia would like.

It should not be forgotten that, even at their peak under Steve Waugh, Australia were defeated in India in 2001, ending their world-record streak of 16 Test wins. And, of course, India ended the record-equalling streak once more as recently as January. Yet, where in 2001 Australia were undone by performances of staggering brilliance by Harbhajan Singh and VVS Laxman, the feeling this time is they are losing simply because, man-for-man, they are the inferior side.

Yet while Australia look to have a less effective outfit to win in Asia than for some time, they still have two of the finest pace bowlers in the world, in Clark and Lee, and a batting line-up that can dominate anyone. They are not quite what they once were, and it would be a surprise were they to salvage something from this series. But their side is still an outstanding one - especially in the more pace friendly conditions to be found in Australia, South Africa and England, where their next challenges lie. They are still, just about, the world's best.

The CWBCL ladder

For those who weren't around, or were fucked up on valium, Cricket with balls has it's own fantasy league.
I am 7th, which means it really isn't my fantasy. 

Here is the ladder. 
22 balls is leading the charge at the halfway mark. 
Jo Fitz is holding up the table. 
PositionManagerTeam NamePoints01 _Vijendra22Balls320002 nestaquinCurried Baked Beans XI316003 cafhwristy perverts307104 Beer-and-SportBástard Monkeys299305 DonQQs Busted Monkeys XI295306 cjdunningBS XI293407 j-rod *LMthe giant adams apple XI289508 FlySlipflyslips xi285409 AashreyCrack them up.279810 Miriamlegs XI275511 LisaWBa-Dop-Boom-Bang253212 dkirbyWelling United251513 mukukvPaper Lions227314 JoFitzRandom cricket blokes1829[b]*LM: League Manage[/b]
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