Wednesday, December 10, 2008

England go all rainbow coalition and wristy on us

Apparently there is to be a test series between England and India.

Although, nationality boundaries are so broad these days that this could end up being a tour of a combined professional cricketers XI vs India.

England have Saffas, Indians, Pakistanis, Australians and Danes over there.

Plus Graeme Swann, who is a spider from mars.

England have recently added to their squad, one officially, and one unofficially.

The official one is Amjad Khan, who sounds like he should be slaying people in a David Lean film.

He is a quick from Kent, and while not the quick from Kent I would pick (Proud passionate paid up supporter of Robbie Joseph), still a pretty decent quick bowler.

The unofficial squad member is Adil Rashid.

Potential CWB cult figure.

Part Pakistani, Part Yorkshirian, and all Leggie.

I am not sure what an unofficial squad member does, other than not pose for the group tour photo.

What these two men do have in common is their browness, and not from tanning, but from ancestry in the subbie.

While South Africa masturbates all over the quota system, England just get the job done.

Shah, Monty, Bopara, Dimi and Patel have played in recent times.

Robbie Joseph also could not be far away.

And in county cricket there are other non whites in the mix.

It could be a racial extravaganza.

An orgy of religions and skin tones.

Like Woodstock, except not as well marketed.

Ofcourse Khan and Rashid may still be a way off, and someone more cynical, like me, may even suggest that England has:

a) Run out of white players willing to go to the subbie
b) Run out of players they think can perform in the subbie
c) Have a variant of jungle fever, known as the curry cough


d) Wanted the commentators to be able to say wristy more often

This is a good time to be brown in England.

Look at Mushie, can barely speak English, has a multi coloured beard, and follows a religion that makes most people think of exploding trains, and yet is gainfully employed on a part time basis by the ECB.

Is that not what we all want, brown middle age men working part time for Giles Clarke.

What a wonderful world it will be.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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