Monday, December 22, 2008

Call someone a name, that'll wake up the fans

Is Yuvraj a pie chucker, well no, he is more of a doorknob distributor.

That is splitting hairs, but an interesting distinction.

Ms Dhoni did a clever thing by bringing on the doorknob distributor.

He had a spell over KP, and it was a clever tactic.

Thing is, KP is one of those.

Those who need extra stimuli to play better.

The piechucker comments are part of that for him, he wants Yuvraj to come back at him.

KP does his best work when he feels like the world hates him.

He is a sick man.

And not just because he is South African.

Ofcourse all this means fuck all in this drawn test match.

We should be thankful for the piechuckergate though, because if this test match was abandoned a couple of days ago, it might have taken most of us a couple of days to notice it had happened.

Today they will go through the motions again.

And the “series” will finish without a bang, or a woo hoo, or a yee ha.

And congratulations to Gotham City, playing a whole test on qualudes is something special.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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