Monday, December 22, 2008

one test "series"

He absurdity of the two test “series” is upon us again.

There are two tests going on at the moment.

One with two teams who are very evenly matched.

The other with England in it.

The first match could come down to the wire.

The West Indies still have to make another hundred runs, but either way New Zealand have a decent chase on their hands.

With the first test drowned out, this is the “series” and it seems a little stupid.

The whole game could revolve around Shiv going out to a full toss.

Had he not, perhaps him and Gayle would still be in, and New Zealand would be looking at a much bigger chase.

Sure you could say, it’s just cricket, but if there was a third test, then the West Indies would have the chance to fight back.

How can you fight back in what is now a one test series.

Your best batsman the Chrab wall gets some bad luck ata crucial time and you fall short by his average score, and that is that.

No Encore.

No sequel.

No chance for revenge.

No chance for them to snatch a series draw out of nothing from one nil down like blood soaked warriors and then to exclaim to their fans, are you proud now, as the blood dripped down their pulsating torsos.

And look at the England India series.

England were on top for a KP estimated 70% of the first test, then some magic from the Indian batsmen gets them home.

The next test England bowl India out for 440, make 300, and have them 4/130 odd in reply.

India might as well shut up shop, there is no reason for them to push for a result, and unless England gets a miracle they aren’t going to bowl India out in the first session and press for a win.

If the test series was still live though, Dhoni might be tempted to use India’s advantage to push for a result.

But why would he now, they are in the box seat, and without a collapse they win this “series”.

Now forget about cricket for a minute, and think about it this way, imagine you leave your computer long enough to pick up, and your first session is a bit drunken, clothes are strewn everywhere, but orgasms are few and far between due to the conditions.

The next session you go over, but running for the train that day you have strained your groin, you don’t want to mention it, no one likes an excuse, but you know it’s not your best performance, and the results prove that.

Now how do you feel when you find out that’s it, no chance of redemption sex, which as we all know is revenge sex & pity sex’s little cousin.

You now see why 3 test series are the absolute minimum.

I don’t expect the ICC to do anything about this, because I don’t expect the ICC to do anything, and I doubt any of them have ever picked up.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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