Sunday, December 21, 2008

the world changes

I woke up this morning and something felt odd.

It was if gravity wasn’t pulling as hard.

There was a lightness in my step, as if some great weight had been lifted from me, but instead of me flying off into space I was just in limbo.

The air has harder somehow, I felt I could grab it.

I went outside, and everything was the same but different.

The sky was blue, which for London was weird enough, but it was a different colour blue, it was if they sky had no depth, like the world ended just beyond the clouds.

I went to the corner store and got some bread, the bread was fresh, from a corner store on a Sunday amazing, and when I reached the counter I realised I was 20p short.

Don’t worry about it said the usually angry shop owner, a man who in the past looked like he would choke you for 5p.

I walked out, of the store and on the way home I saw a young hoddie gentleman helping an elderly lady across the street.

A priest was walking down the street talking about his favourite author, Dickie Dawkins.

Birds were shitting in socially acceptable places.

The wind had a certain soothing quality to it, a suggested warmth.

I had to get inside, it was all too weird.

There was something not right, and the internet would tell me what it was, I checked the news sites, there was no overnight global disaster, no aliens taking over, and no shift in the earths rotation.

There was a cricket score in which South Africa had beaten Australia.

That’d be it then.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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