Wednesday, December 17, 2008

England cheat, the dirty blind bastards

In a shocking turn of events, England has cheated to win the blind ashes.

The bastards.

Well that is what the mother of an Australian blind player has said.

And some how, Yuvraj Singh style, the mothers words have been reported and taken seriously.

She has claimed, at a pub i guess, that one of the English players is not as blind as the poms have said so.

That is the equivalent of calling a women sprinter a man (or hermaphrodite), or saying that you thought that catch bounced.

This dude is the man she suspects.

He certainly looks like a cheat.

Look at that smug, i can see you, smile he has.

He made a double century, but really he made a century, and because he qualifies as blind as fuck he gets double the runs.

Mummy dearest was obviously a bit cut by this, i get the feeling her beloved is a bowler, and may have ended with less than pretty figures.

Although unless the scorebook was in braille, how would he know, she could have just lied to him.

Instead she created an international storm.

And you have to respect that.

Ofcourse the Australian blind cricket team don't seem to have anything to do with this.

That is because Shane Watson played in the series.

CA wanted him to get some practice.

His technique was great, but somehow he kept going out.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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