Monday, December 29, 2008


Stereotypes are hard to over come.

People see a man in his 30’s, who is an IT dude, with a son and a dodgy shoulder and they think, nerd.


The truth is way different.

Cricket With Balls Own Nice Bryce McGain is actually a crime fighter by night.

It’s hush hush ofcourse, so don't tell anyone.

His crime fighting name is The Prahran Panther, but don’t rate him on that, he is an IT worker not a marketing exectuive.

While others are sleeping, he cleans the mean streets of Prahran of fuel injected nonsense, unkempt drag queens and rogue parking inspectors.

That, and not his oft-mentioned shoulder injury, is the reason for his recent hiatus.

However now the streets of Prahran are clean.

Which is no mean feat.

He has simply done his job, and now is ready to come back to us.

Not before time ofcourse.

Krazy Krejza is not defensive enough.

Happy Hauritz is now way too defensive.

And Beautiful Beau Casson is 3 bad months away from looking for a real job.

What Australia needs is a superhero, and since Bryce is finished on Chapel St, who better than a nerdy super spinner with wrists of gold and spectacles of hope.

It makes sense.

Bryce to Sydney.

Right now.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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