Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cricket With Balls lament

We should be excited.

South Africa Vs Australia is our favourite series.

But, we miss him.

Our heart is heavy.

We almost feel lost without him.

The poor fucker is sitting in the hills drinking absinthe out of a goats liver while eating stray animals, and we wish he was playing.

Andre Nel is more than a player.

He is a mental case performance artist with homicidal tendencies.

They don’t grow on trees.

Not even in the tropics.

This series doesn’t have a lot of personality in it.

Smith used to be entertaining when he was a cocky dickrod, but that has gone.

Roy was more fun when he was less grumpy.

Who else?

Morne Morkel, at a stretch, might provide some light hearted moments if he breaks down mid over again.

A truly entertaining figure seems thin on the ground.

Andre could make up for all of that, and then some.

Unfortunately we may never see the crazy fucker again.

He will be sorely missed.

As will the goat.


www.cricketwithballs.com... We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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