Thursday, December 25, 2008

Unfit Aussies, CWB needs you

As you may have already seen, cricket with balls has been challenged to a duel.

We will be taking on the Village Cricketers English Superstars XI in a charity match in June next year.

The charity is the Everyman charity, aimed at stopping men losing their balls, true story.

The details of the match are here:

Monday 29th June 2009, 3pm start
Barnes Cricket Club, Lonsdale Road, London SW13 9QL

And I need 10 unfit men, and a fit woman or two, to go into battle with me.

I will be captain, naturally, so there are certain criteria you need to fit.

You need to be Australian, be handy with the sledge, can actually play cricket good, have excellent grammar and spelling, fight crime by night, prepared to accept Sehwag into your life, have money to donate to the charity, and are over for the cricket, or have not lived in England for more than one year.

Ofcourse all of these except the Australian part and the donating part can be waived in special circumstances.

So if you think you are the man, woman or thing up to representing the balls in the Cricket With Balls Aussie code of conduct XI, send an email to and we’ll take it from there.

If you are English, and you want to play for the village dudes XI, go over there and comment.

If your ethnicity or location is a handicap in this game, but you still want to support the charity, and i would really like you to, please go here to donate.

Cricket With Balls asks for so little, but gives so much, please help us save other peoples balls.

It's all for a good cause, because the cause is balls.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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