Thursday, December 18, 2008

Who do you believe?

Jacob Oram, the perfect boyfriend, curly haired Adonis, highly skilled all rounder, who is made out of jelly beans.


Craig McMillan, he of the golden ass, 2020 specialist before it existed, captain of some ICL team, and hard as nails batsman.

You have to pick a side.

Because Craig McMillan has said what has been said in every New Zealand bar where sentences can be constructed, Oram is a big fucken softy.

Although he didn’t use those words, he said wrapped in cotton wool and,

"Unfortunately, with Jake's track record ... he has missed some games that maybe he could have got through,"


New Zealanders are sick and tired of their players not playing, and they are more sick and tired of their few match winners pulling out at the last minute before every test.

Ladies I am sure you know what the kiwi fans are going through.

Either put it in, and deal with the pain, or piss off and let some else who may not be as well equipped put it in, Superking my ass.

Oram has hit back at McMillan, softly.

“"I understand people who have never bowled a ball in anger in their lives having a bit of a go at me for potentially being on the soft side, but it's extremely disappointing to come from an ex-teammate,"

If after teammate he added “who is a fat poofta”, the soft title may have been forgotten.

Oram goes further when he talks about all the times he has played hurt.

Two of them, a 2020 game and a one dayer.

Not really helping your cause there are you big fella.

I could imagine some kiwi supporters saying, that’s great Jacob, but where is the 30 overs in the wind stories?

In the wind I suppose.

Adam Parore also had a dip, but also took out Bond and Cairns, and I generally ignore Parore.

You have to feel sorry for jacob though.

This sort of harsh criticism can really get to a player, sometimes it makes them play through the pain just to prove a point.

We are sure that won’t happen to Jake, he is stronger than that.

Ian Smith is really pissed off by all this, but when we called for a comment he was out buying cotton wool.

So whose side are you on?

Craig’s or Jacob’s?

Personally I go with McMillan, he was a stocky tough sonofabitch, and I’ll always take their word over a soft as jelly beans allrounder.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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