Friday, November 21, 2008

Unimaginable cruelty

It’s raining in South Africa.

This is a good thing.

Because watching Bangladesh take on South Africa is like watching the opening scene of Irreversible.

It’s sick and twisted.

Ofcourse I can’t look away.

I’m a sick man, but willing to admit so.

The main problem is Banglaesh have no one who looks like a man.

They have teenage boys who bowl medium fast.

Toddlers who bat.

A captain in short pants.

And a wicket keeper who could be mistaken for a foetus.

We all know that, but the difference is never more evident when they play South Africa, which looking at Graeme Smiths average, must be monthly now.

South Africans are huge.


Morne Morkel is a tall man, hell they must have a stable of guys over 6 foot tall and well built.

South Africans are old.


Kallis is 74 this year, Boucher is 73.

South Africans are fat.


Smith and Kallis look like they eat a couple of Bangladeshi keepers for breakfast.

Life isn’t fair.

There must be some child welfare agency who is watching this tour, but who just hasn’t stepped in yet.

Where is the public outrage as the huge old fat man beat the living fuck out of these young boys?

Surely there is a problem in the system.

South Africa, sick fuckers that they are seem to play this mob all the time, do they like inflicting pain on little boys.

Ofcourse they do.

But for us sadomasochistic folks, sure is fun to watch.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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