Thursday, November 27, 2008

everyone out

Why does it take multiple people dying for a one day series to be called off.

Surely there could be a dead rubber/dull as shit clause in 7 series on dayers, to spare us from games that have no meaning.

Or in the case of one dayers, even less meaning than usual.

The terrorists probably didn’t have this in mind.

They probably just wanted to kill some people to prove some point.

And before you go saying, well they are obviously cricket lovers, and couldn’t bare to watch a 7 match series that was decided after 4 matches.

Remember this, their actions have also cancelled the ICL and the Champions doodad.

How many friends will that buy them?

Terrorists, outside of Che and few others, have never been very good at PR.

This is a sad day for all the victims, but this also effects world cricket.

And let us not forget that if this happened in a non cricket country, few of us would know about it.

So with cricket in mind, what does this do to world cricket.

Whities are already afraid to go to Pakistan, add India to that, and world cricket is fucked.

The fact that terrorists were looking for Whities will have the Whities panties in a bunch for years to come.

With so few real test nations, can we really afford to lose another one, especially the financial powerhouse?

Few other sports can be damaged by terrorism more than Cricket.

Will cricket survive it?

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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