Monday, November 24, 2008

does he fail in his dreams

Cricketers often have rich dreams and brilliant fantasies.

That is why they all write such genius books.

It’s all the spare time sitting in the sheds you see.

And very few people have had more time in the sheds than Vaughan.

But instead of writing a book, he tells the media of his fantasies.

Regaining his spot in the English team.

As if English cricket wasn’t at a low enough ebb.

Vaughan wants a trip to the Caribbean.

I suggest all English fans to chip in and buy him a ticket, get him a nice hotel, and make sure its not an island they play cricket on.

The English team needs to shake him off.

He had his time, sometimes he did great, sometimes he did bad.

But England does not need an ex player who has decided at 34 he wants back in.

This is not a carousel Michael.

England need top class batsmen, not guys who were once, but now go golfing mid season.

By the time he gets back in the side he will be 35, so are England building a team for the now, or for the now and beyond.

There is no guarantee his batting is going to come back to him.

There is no guarantee his presence wont get on the nerves of KP.

And there is no guarantee he wont get bowled while looking like a text book.

I understand leaving test cricket must be hard, but is he coming back because he thinks it is best for the team, or best for him.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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