Friday, November 28, 2008

2nd test lunch 2nd day

New Zealand decided to declare their innings.

Infact they decided last night when McCullum and Vettori batted out the day like soft cocks.

McCullum and Redmond have changed personalties for this test.

Redmond batted really well before making a 80 odd, and McCullum stood in front of the stumps for a while before going out.

The tail gave up all home and Australia were out their quick smart.

Hayden and katich seemed to have New Zealand by the short and curlies, before Hayden yelled wait and ran, Katich yelled wait and never moved, and Hayden was run out.

There was a run there, but Katich couldn't leave his ground until way to late to make his ground.

Hayden didn't seem notice this, and it cost him his wicket.

Katich didn't stay out too long, Vettori got want to cough up some smoke and take an edge to Jesse under the grill.

The session was pretty evenly balanced, but, Australia only have to get one real partnership and 270 will be easily over hauled.

Lee finished off the tail pretty easily, and Vettori already looks like enough of a threat, that leaving out Patel may have been a mistake.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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