Wednesday, November 19, 2008

more than just a beard.

Number 3 on my most important players list is someone who will change the attitude of South Africa from cocky young things, to men who will do anything to win.

A man who captained dophins at 21.

A man that scares Dean Jones.

A man who makes some of us doze off when he bats.

Hashim Amla.

All reports are he has an incredibly clever brain underneath that beard.

And even though he bats like a George Romero villain, he has a technique that could make him successful on all surfaces against all attacks.

It is very odd of me to praise a batsman who considers a nudge off his hip as an attacking shot, but he is important for several reasons.

As captain, he could end the quota system.

As a batsman, he could be the anchor of the team that needs strong test batsman who average over 50 against all comers.

He is the calmness that South African’s need.

Their previous leaders were easily provoked and let emotion get in the way.

Amla would never do that.

He is super cool.

With him in charge of South African cricket they could finally become the worlds best team.

You might be thinking, well isn’t Smith captain, and he aint going anywhere soon.

Well Smith gives them a solid confident voice, but even if they beat Australia at home and away, the truth is that he is not the man to make this a long lasting institution.

Amla is that man.

Smith is part of the Journey, Amla is the destination.

This wont matter though, because by the time Amla takes over, the team may not have the weaponry to be number 1.

But he is the man that the world’s bowlers will have to get used to for a very long time.

Amla taking over the South African team will be the most important thing to ever happen to cricket in South Africa, until a black captain comes along.

And if that means Smith has to be ousted a couple of years before he thinks he is ready, then so be it.

Ofcourse is South Africa lose to Australia this year, then Smith should be fired anyway, if he can’t beat them now, he never will.

1. Prince Brendan

2. RP/Ishant

3. Hasim Amla

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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