Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Australia's desire and the Klinger Kurve

What Australia needs to archive from this

Australia should win, no doubt.

But there are things from the win they need.

Mitchell Johnson to take some bags of wickets in Australia.

Brett Lee to forget about his personal problems.

Ponting to start captaining for results rather than for fees.

Roy to be the guy he was.

And Michael Clarke to make hundreds when Australia is in trouble.

If all these things happen, Australia will win 2 zip, and South Africa will have to play out of their skins to win there.

I am thinking 1 zip based on the Klinger Kurve in Radelaide.

If no one in Australia can get him out, either team taking 20 wickets in Radelaide is a huge ask, or someone needs some huge collapses.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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