Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In bed with MS Dhoni

Long time readers may well acquainted with the In bed with... series. If not, feel free to browse other titles in the collection. Jacques Kallis, Monty, Mike Hussey, Daniel Vettori, and Shane Watson.

But remember these are adults only, as children should be shielded from sex at all costs, because it is not a natural part of life.

You hear about him before you see him, he doesn't have much of a reputation, but there is a buzz about him.

But then after a drunken night you find yourself in a closet with him, and while he doesn’t move the way you would like, he gets the job done.

The quickies are fun with him, and you decide he could be a keeper.

So you set about planning a long term relationship with him, but he doesn’t perform for you at all, at times he has trouble even getting erect.

You figure the long term serious stuff is not his thing, so you break it off.

Occasionally you text a young guy, and there are still the odd rendezvous with your favourite classy old man.

But there is something about MS, maybe it’s the hair, and you can’t discard him so easily.

You have fun with him, and more than often he gets you off, you can’t really argue with that.

He keeps calling and calling, and eventually you fall for him again, this time it’s by his terms, and then you’re in an ongoing casual thing with him.

With him in charge it all goes great, but you still think you may want more, but he has nothing of it, and even though not everything runs smoothly, you trust his judgement.

Then your relationship goes back to the quickie mode, usually you’d be disappointed with the frivolous nature, but you are besotted by him now.

Usually you’d need two other beaus at once to feel this excited, but you haven’t returned the calls of Partiv in ages, and Anil can no longer get you there.

You have decided Dhoni is going to be your guy, but the constant speed gets to him, he needs a break.

It cuts you deep, and you doubt whether he is going to be there in the long run.

You continue seeing the older gentleman and even the younger guy, even though you know it isn’t the same.

Dhoni gets jealous by this and comes back out of the woodwork, now he seems fit and hungry, and he is even willing to do things with you that you cannot believe.

At first these strange erotic things worry you, but in his soft hands you feel secure.

However now he seems calmer and more mature, might be the new hair, and you let him be in charge anyway he wants to.

When you first feel that silk scarf around your neck, ever tightening, you start to panic, but he puts you at ease, and by the end, you and him fall deeper in love.

You know he is the man for you, your heart skips a beat every time he waddles in your direction.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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