Friday, November 14, 2008

If we play like this we can beat th Australian women's team, if we win the toss

KP was cock a hoop after beating a kolpak ravaged South African one day side, and winning a dead rubber.

I was there, they played well, not brilliant, but well.

Since South Africa went home they have lost 20 millions smackers, lost to a club side, and had an injured inconsistent player flatten them.

So now what for KP?

The Euphoria he created by getting the job is now a dream of a thought oh a whisper that England have forgotten.

The real captaining starts here, he has lost momentum, so we are about to find out if he can actually captain or if he is just good at .

It is only one 'real' game, but its hard to push a pile of shit up hill.

I think India will win the series, nothing wrong with lsoing a series early on in your career, as long as you learn something from it.

According to Alec Stewart, "what England have to got to do, is play alot better".

Can't argue with We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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