Sunday, November 30, 2008

lunch day 4

Oh New Zealand.

Did they even try?

Redmond slashes it to point, Ryder pushes one to cover, and Taylor pops one back to Lee.

How was the only one who was really done with a cracker.

And the catch, oh the catch, at full stretch and then some Ponting gets horizontal and the arm hairs billowing as he holds it in the fingers.

Later on Flynn was done by a Johnson quick reversed one, he doesn’t like them quick.

But it was Lee’s session, he bowled great, even if a few wickets were given to him.

Haddin was in the news again.

Slater talked about how well he has been keeping since he got back to Australia, completely ignoring his drop in Brisbane.

Now he has a better drop to show for himself.

It was spectacularly shithouse.

In the end he was mid air to one he didn’t have to jump to, and looked as if he was slapping it to the ground.

The ball went quick, but there is no doubt he lost the plot.

His 160 was fucking nice, but if he can’t catch, he is not of much use to Australia, later in the session he missed a couple from Hauritz as well.

Recently Chris Hartley from Queensland was saying Australia might need to go back to a proper keeper since the bowlers aren’t as good, and less chances will be coming.

I thought he just wanted his name to be mentioned, but with Haddin regularly missing chances, he may have a point, and only Hartley and Crosthwaite can really keep, but neither can bat at 7 in this test team.

That is still a better problem to have than having your whole top order give their wicket away like a trailer trash virgin.

This is a sad session for the kiwis, losing 5 wickets is shit, but losing 5 top order wickets is much much shit.

Their team doesn't look that bad, so maybe this is the John Bracewell memorial batting effort.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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