Friday, November 28, 2008

previously at radelaide


Australia had a pretty good day.

Anything more than 4 wickets, and less than 300 runs at the Oval is handy.

Clark, Lee and Johnson all tried hard, and had spells where they were looking very dangerous.

Hauritz was amazingly lucky twice, but once very unlucky.

Two quick wickets tomorrow and they are all over this match.

New Zealand

They completely dropped the ball today.

How, Redmund, Ryder, Fulton all went out to poor shots.

They gave Australia a stiffy on a flat pitch.

Not good enough.

Play of the day

Jesse Ryder's little dummy spit on his way off.

He threw the bat up and caught it, and he looked like he got to Macca's 8 minutes after closing time.

Testicular moment of the day

Redmund's innings was ballsy, even if he threw it away, because he was taking on bowlers who he is not built to handle.

And he handled them, he kept the good balls out, scored off the loose ones, and when he had a bowler of a similar skill level he took him down.

You've got to give him that.

Luckiest man on earth

Nathan Hauritz.

Sure he got hit for 17 runs in an over, but how many of us would love the oppurtunity to do the same.

Jesse Ryder moment of the day


True story.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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