Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tait's space ship is rocky road

To be honest, Shaun Tait worries me.

He is here, then there, and then everywhere.

The Ferris Wheel in his head has sexy pixies on it eating ice cream and throwing darts.


On the 24th of October i wrote this, saying that Taity wanted to play test cricket, after previously stating he did not.

Now he is saying he wants to play one day cricket and is not worried about test cricket.

Dude, slow down, all those U turns are making us dizzy.

We really don't care what you plan on playing, we will just wait and see what the selectors pick you for, and deal with it from there.

That is generally how it works.

Have you been chatting with Brad Hodge at all?

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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