Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dhoni Disgusted

What the hell is going on with India.

They have just one an important series, they have just got their dream captain, and they are 3 zip up in this series.

Other places may be full of joy happiness and love ins.

Not India.

Dhoni was so pissed that Rp Singh was going to be assed for Irfan Pathan, he apparently offered his resignation.

How do we know this, because it leaked.

How much more angry did this make Dhoni, lots more angry.

Dhoni probably wasn’t really resigning, he was probably just trying to make a point.

But now his and the selectorial business is all out in the open.

This is not how successful teams behave.

This is for teams that are falling apart at the seams.

Get it together India, selection squabbles should only come out years alter when big book deals have been signed.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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