Friday, January 9, 2009

The worst captain i can think of ever, and yes i thought of Lee Germon

Name this player.

Go on.

Got it yet.

No it's not Derek Crookes, it's Johan Botha.

Former chucker, and very average batsman.

And also the newest person that can say in a bar, That's right I catpained my country once.

South Africa have chosen him to captain their one day side in the absence of Graeme Smith.

I know.

I still don't know whether to believe it, but i am not the only person to mention it, Q over at wellpitched has it up as well.

We both got it over at Cricinfo.


A man who averages 18 with the bat, 40 with the ball, and who has been suspended for chucking is to captain his side.

And look at the list of people that should be doing it ahead of him.

Andre Stander
Any of the cast from the power of one
ernie els
basil rathbourne
Johan Botha (the opera singer)

That is just off the top of my head ofcourse, imagine if i thought about it and used google and wikipedia, the list could have two or 3 more names on it.

What i want to know is, WHO DID MARK BOUCHER SLEEP WITH?

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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