Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bryce is back and he’s gonna save our reputation

Move the fuck over Nathan Hauritz, Byrce is back baby.

Finally he is kitted up in that beautiful navy blue uniform (ok it’s shit, officially the worst vic kit ever) and ready to take names and kick some ass.

Sure he has only bowled 3 overs, but that is enough to move Hauritz over.

Dirty Dirk was so damn excited, he come out in full warrior god mode and took an axe to NSWales to the tune of 4/11.

That is respect.

The Victorians lost, no fault of Dirty Dirk or Nice Bryce, you can read about the horrible place they find themselves in here.

But Bryce is now more than just a Victorian player, he is an Australian squad member, and being that Happy Hauritz is the number one spinner (in the selectors eyes) Bryce has to at least tour South Africa, if not rip it up in the side.

The world needs Bryce.

The balance of Australia not having a proper spinner reuins the world;s economy.

Oh, you don’t believe me, the last time Australia didn’t have a proper spinner was the 80’s recession.

Nuff said.

Bryce can restore the world’s markets, and make me very happy.

Plus his mum is proper nice.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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