Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shaun Tait's use

Someone asked me recently what use Shaun Tait is.

There are several really.

His media work has always made me laugh.

Watching the speed gun when he bowls.

Nothing better than satching him hit the stumps.

But the main reason is useful is because he hits alot of batsmen.

That has got to be the major reason to watch him bowl.

Ab De Villiers got one that splattered his hip, and gave him a couple of games off.

Now Mark Boucher has a toe that has been completely mangled by Tait.

It's bad enough to send him home, but to have people worried about the test series as well is a pretty good effort.

That must be one fucked up toe.

This is what Tait brings to the table.

He might not always hit the pitch, but he hit's enough batsmen to keep me interested.

I don't think about batsmen get hurt these days.

There should be more of it, as i have said before.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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