Friday, January 23, 2009

Dirty Dirk gets backed

Remember the days when the only time you heard Dirty Dirk's name was from me.

Well those days are over.

He now has his name on many a different forum.

Like here, where Greg Shipperd publicly backs my claim that Dirty Dirk should be in the Australian 2020 side.

Or here, where he talks about how good he is, and how Middlesex taught him stuff, and no, it's not how to lose.

In that article he finishes with this quote,

"If it was down to me I would pick me!"
I refuse to believe Dirk has ever said anything that would require a exclamation point.

The quote is also reminiscent of what another Victorian said in a TWC piece once, but i digress.

It is a sad day when one of my boys goes on to get his own press.

I just have to accept it, my little raging animal fast bowler is all grown up.

All growns up i tellz ya.

I just hope the rest of the media world treat him as fair and balanced as i have.

Fly my pretty.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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