Thursday, January 15, 2009

cricket myth #456

Wicket Keepers can't captain.

This is one that that really gets to me.

And with Mark Boucher getting overlooked for captaincy with cricketers of inferior records, inferior skill, and no mental toughness i had to get it out.

Ms Dhoni does it now, and during the IPL, when he sometimes didn't keep, he said he captained better as a keeper.

Emery and Berry have done it for shield victories in Australia.

Gilchrist broke Australia’s dry spell in India.

And Lee Germon… well never mind.

When i was a junior I captained as a bowler, and occasionally as a keeper.

I found it easier as a keeper, and i never overbowled myself whilst keeping.

Richie is part of this anti keeping club, he fielded in a catching position, and bowled many many overs.

Wicket keeping is mainly a reactionary position.

Bowling is a proactive skill.

So the keeper should have more time to captain than a bowler, and also has the best view in the house of the game.

The best person should captain, no matter what skill they use to get into a side, obviously batsmen make the most sense, cause they do sweet fuck all in the field, but if your batsmen is not as good a captain as your keeper or bowler, why would you give him the job?

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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