Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Al Hasan does the business

It wasn’t long ago that Shakib Al Hasan was one of those Bangladeshis.

You know, one of the none Ashraful ones.

The name would have rung few bells.

Now he has made the 2008 The Venkatapathi Raju team of the year, he is pretty much world famous.

When you are famous you can do one of two things (actually you can do more), you can crawl up in a corner and hum show tunes, or you can get the balls out and put the performances on the metaphorical board.

Shakib has them out baby.

His latest offering is a destoyation of Sri Lanka in a one day game.

Or a 3131 game.

Sure the toygers were only chasing 151, but Shakib made 92 of them, off a measly 69 balls.

Considering he came in at 3/11, and just never left the crease, it’s a monumental effort from a Toyger, no matter who the opposition is.

The opposition was the worlds greatest ever spinner, Mendis, and his freakish support act, Murali.

Not bad huh?

What was that, that is right, Sri Lanka played in the last one day world cup final.

Shakib you nasty man, take a bow.

I think the kid is thee real deal.

His batting can be test quality for a bowling all rounder, he can slog when his team needs him, and he is a prodigious wicket taker.

Plus he is cute as a button.

And when your team beats his, which they will, if he does well, you will be doubly happy, like eating a cheeseburger, and winning a pizza.

And for Shakib’s form, and the fact I like the little fella, he goes onto the list.

Well done indeed.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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