Friday, January 23, 2009

What you can do in 3 weeks

Watch the film 4 months, 3 weeks & 2 days 267 times straight.

If you were pregnant, your baby would be a blob that could not be seen by the naked eye.

This guy says you can get 10,000 links in 3 weeks, although it sounds like shit to me.

These people spent 3 weeks in New Zealand, actually they spent 23 days, dirty fucken liars.

This is the guide of how to get into shorts in 3 weeks time, it has never taken me 3 weeks to put on shorts.

You can have tinnitus for 3 weeks.

You can be in captivity for 3 weeks.

You can wait for your Ipod for 3 weeks.

Or you can be a Pom and play in the IPL for 3 weeks.*

*Doubtful if you are Paul Collingwood.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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