Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Malcolm flogs the skeleton of a horse

Malcolm Conn of the Australian hates the IPL.

It features negatively in almost every article he writes that also include the word injury.

The reason is simple, he was you young woman who was kidnapped by Lalit Modi.

Lalit tied him up, and sniffed him like a line of coke, and Malcolm has never forgiven the dashing entrepreneur.

The truth has to come out people.

Look at this article, which should be all about the glory that is Bryce McGain.

Instead he just attacks the IPL.

Here is his first broad side.

"Even though almost a full national team is on the sidelines, Cricket Australia denies it is due to excessive workload or players competing in the IPL."

Then he writes this.

"Besides McGain returning from injury, the national side is also missing Clark, Jaques, Brett Lee, Andrew Symonds, Shane Watson, Michael Clarke and Peter Siddle."

And then this

"He (Michael Brown, some CA adminstracrat) claimed it was a "long bow" to suggest the IPL in April and May last year had a significant impact on some players, although Matthew Hayden was never able to reproduce his form after a long-term Achilles tendon injury and has since retired."

The first one says that almost a full national team are injured at the moment, and the IPL is used as one of two possible reasons.

Then he shows the players who are injured, 5 of the 8 he mentions never played in the IPL.

Of the three that did, Lee & Symonds have had holidays due to non cricket related reasons, and Watson is a jelly bean player, he is always fucking injured, plus he has not played a home test this summer.

So the chance that the IPL had anything to do with their injuries are slim at best.

He then moves onto his "Hayden was ruined by the IPL" mainstay.

I have mentioned this before as well, Hayden was injured in the IPL.

But he is also thirty fucken eight years old, and according to Hayden he has had chronic problems with his achillies even before the IPL.

He doesn't mention Brad Haddin's constant finger injuries, whilst thinking about the IPL, and Mitchell Johnson's resting through tiredness related to be asked about the IPL.

Is there a chance of being injured in the IPL, yes, but surely there is more of a chance being injured in county cricket, as their is more cricket, proper cricket, and the fact you may have to carry your team mates on your back.

Clarke, Clark and Jaques have all played county cricket, perhaps that's what caused their injuries?

You have to give him credit for the title of the article, No-pain McGain, surely that could be another nickname for him.



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