Friday, January 9, 2009

Why KP is a dick

Well one reason.

I understand playing under a coach who you disagree with on the basics would be hell.

And I understand wanting to play with a player you trust and respect in your team.

But let us use Shane Warne, KP’s former friends (a list that always seems to grow), as an example.

He played under a coach he despised way more than KP could have ever hated Moores.

In commentary recently he talked about a “practical joke” he played on John Buchanan, in which he poured some bad smelling shit in all his orange cones, and only owned up to it now, which takes it from practical joke to bullying.

He played with Adam Gilchrist who was given his title of VC, and every day he stood beside him, BESIDE HIM, for 6 hours a day.

Someone he has no real time for, and has slagged off privately, and said questionable things about publicly quite a few times.

And he played under Ricky Ponting.

A good mate, but someone that Warne new he could captain 12 times better than even if he was lit on fire by Christian Fundamentalist Monkeys.

Under this structure he played some of his best cricket.

Under this structure he groaned, but he also always put the team first.

Under this structure he helped Australia win for the first time in India, played almost single handily in the 2005 ashes, helped beat a world XI, destroyed South Africa, reclaimed the Ashes and then retired.

Never once did he say its me or him, and he was better than KP could be in his best wet dream.

Sure he was difficult to Gilly and John Buchanan, but he continued to play under both men, and perform for Australia with ultimatums.

No one is saying it was perfect.

But it has to be better than what KP has done.

So if Warne didn’t say its me or you, who the fuck does KP think he is to say it?

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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