Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'll captain England again

Not me, I haven't done it once.

That was KP.

He is already planning for the wing commander's demise.

Well not planning, just saying that he will captain again, and you know what, i reckon he will.

He is about 3 years younger than Strauss.

There seems to be no obvious next captain after Strauss at this stage, so KP has already started inking his application.

Clever boy.

Now all he needs to do is wait for the next English implosion, and he is sitting pretty.

You have to appreciate the man's bravado though, quits before he is fired, and in the same week says he will be back as captain.

Self Belief is a magical thing.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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