Monday, January 26, 2009

Willet overshadows Warner

Remember the name Akito Willett.

Because it is cool.

It belongs to a 20 year old St Kitts player who on his first class debut picked up a pack of 5 wickets against England.

Take that David Warner, he has played one first class game and has a 5 for against an international side, so make a hundred you under achiever.

He also has a way cooler name than Warner, which i suppose says more for Akito's aparents than anything else.

Why am i writing about this kid, well he is a leg spinner, so he is more than just a cool name.

Cricinfo has no profile on him, so i though't i'd fill in the blanks.

CWB profile: Akito Willett

Born in the depths of hell, Akito moves like liquid wind and was made by the devil's own handyman. The future wicket taking behemoth is a vicious predator intent on destruction though his elegant brutality. The devil was oerheard to say, "He shall be made up of the best dead cricketers we have, give him Clarrie's wrists, Tiger's Brain, Worrell's heart, Walcott's schlong and the mousey genius of Lance Gibbs." High praise indeed. The legend has it that when Akito was born Courtyney Walsh broke down in tears, it is only now we know why, he knew his record, which he did not hold at the time, would one day be broken by this Legspinning Damien. Although Akito is only 20, and has only played one breath taking first class game, we are sure that by the time his career finishes you will hear the name Akito Willet and sigh.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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