Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cook is up

The other day I wrote about how lucky Strauss had been to be the right man at the right time.

Put Alistair Cook in that basket at well.

He is England’s vice captain, even given his status as FEC it seems like a random decision.

He hasn’t made a century since 2007.

He seems to have no real personality at this stage.

Doesn’t seem to be able to catch.

To me Freddie is the automatic choice.

Cook is the future planning move, but if Strauss is injured or dropped, do we really think Cook will take over?

Strauss gets 3 years, and then the smooth move to Cook.

If everything goes well it all makes sense, if Cook can start making hundreds, and has a strategic cricket mind.

His career one day strike rate of 68 in one day cricket means that England’s hope of a universal captain may have to stay on the shelf.

And if Cook ever becomes a top notch 2020 player I will but out my anus and cook and eat it. Pun probably intended.

Good luck to Cook though, I bet we will see Strauss deferring to him during tense moments a lot.


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