Monday, January 26, 2009

Flintoff is DEAD

And by that we mean injured.

Actually by that we mean he has discomfort.

In his left side.

This would mean he has a pimple on his left hip.

A big pimple.

I am not really sure what is wrong with him.

If I was a doctor and he came in with discomfort I'd give him valium.

That would help too.

This Freddie discomfort means he is out of the match, and England have replaced him in the live match with Stuart Broad.

Now i don't know the first class rules back to front, but surely this means this is no longer a first class match.

Which means Akito Willet is still without a first class match, but let them try take his 5 wickets off him, then you will see me really angry.

cricketwithballs We are that type of boot

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