Friday, September 5, 2008

Hijacked Krab interview

In a way, you are the Larry Gomes of Australia. What is the mentality of a defensive batsman in a team full of attacking batsmen?

Was Larry a krustation as well? It's not that I am defensive it's just that as a crab it's hard to take the attack on. I become the shell, and the shell becomes me.

You scored a quick hundred in just over a session last Pura season [during an innings of 306 against Queensland]. We wondered if it was the same Simon Katich.

That wasn't me Phabulous Phil did an impersonation of me. He has been banned since as he did it so much better.

Does ego come into play? People call you boring. How do you tackle that, mentally?

People don't call me boring, they have already fallen asleep.

It is said that when a batsman is hitting the ball, he is expressing himself. They never use that phrase about one who defends passionately. What's your take on that?

I'm not Madonna you flaming galah. I don't express myself I make runs, slowly.

Even when you are doing well, they might say, 'Ah, we don't want to watch him.' How do you shut that out?

My wife does a similar thing with the lights in the bedroom, i just keep lugging away regardless.

Was that always your attitude, even at a young age?

When i was young i was on my own in the bedroom, so i usually had the lights on.

You opened with Adam Gilchrist in the ODIs. How difficult was that?

Would have been harder if I was Michael Slater.

Your stance has been criticised. You make those shuffling initial movements and then you straighten up.

I am a Krab, what do people expect the flexibility of an alley cat.

Peter Roebuck wrote an article earlier this year saying you should be the next Australian captain.

I am not familiar with that name, but it reminds me of a teacher that used to beat the boys, always the boys.

What is your emotional support system?

Dr Zoidberg, and my wife.

Does your wife give you advice about how to play?

Not on the fighting the war on tony greig

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