Sunday, September 21, 2008

ashley matrix gets unplugged

OK mark down this moment.

This is the moment when a diehard Victorian fan admits that a Queenslander was hard done by in selection by a Victorian.

And not just any Queenslander, but one who made his career by killing Victoria with vicious monotony.

Ashley Noffke should be going to India.

Peter Siddle, Sizzle, is lucky to be going.

It hurts me to say this, because in recent times, there have been a bunch of NSWales, and a few Queenslanders who have made tours, and test teams when they really shouldn’t have.

But Ashley Noffke deserved this spot.

50 wickets and 500 runs in the shield season, a trip to the Windies as a tourist, and the best allrounder in Australia.

And when I say best, I would put Noffke three or four steps up on Watson.

Who according to Ricky Watson Ponting, should come in for Andrew Symonds.

But it is not to be, Peter Sizzle won his place with one good spell in India, and a year of the best work this side of Ketih Miller goes to ass.

It's about fucken time a Victorian made a squad and was lucky, usually they have to make runs, take wickets, get run outs, pouch catches, kill dragons, save kittens and learn the words to khe sanh backwards.

Now Ashley is angry.

He has already told the selectors they are full of shit.

And now he is telling the media that he might go to the ICL.

He has family, lovers and enemies to pay hush money too, and you can't do that on a contract that has you as the 6th highest paid quick bowler in the country.

Ashley may be the first Australian to leave the game when he still has some talent left for the fat cash of the ICL.

He probably won't leave though.

Will he...

Losing to a Victorian and Shane Watson in selection could push anyone over the edge.

Although surely in the eyes of his family committing suicide is the better option than playing in the Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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