Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hampshire learnt from the master

Shane Warne is no longer pulling the strings for Hampshire.

He is off playing poker and other games for cash.

But Hampshire know poker to.

They know the bluff.

Imran Tahir, whom I expressed some manlove for yesterday, had supposedly gone back to South Africa to play for the titans, ruling him out of the championship deciding clash with Notts.

It had been widely reported and the source was Hampshire.

Newspapers and online.

Even last night Pothas had told the media that Tahir was in South Africa.

He clearly wasn’t.

As he is playing today.

It was a nice bit of gamesmanship, although it may count for nothing as their top order has folded like a napkin.

Well played Hampshire, well not the cricket, in that you are Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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